82. Don't Call Me Babe

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1 Week Later

"Are you sure your ok helping Angie out for a bit while she finds a job and an apartment?" I asked Dave as I paced back and forth in front of the stairs. He watched from between the bars.

"I'm perfectly fine with it babe. Hey come here," he responded as he grabbed my arm. I let him pull me into his arms.

"I'm just nervous. I'm kind of worried. Maybe we should put her in the guest house," I half mumbled.

"If you think I'm gonna stray you got another thing coming. I got you back and I'm not letting go ever again. You're my happy ending," Dave said as he nestled his face into my hair and neck.

"But she's younger than me. She's a newer model," I pouted.

"I got the best model a guy could ask for. I don't need to trade in ever again," he replied as the door bell rang. Dave let go of me so I could answer the door. Angie was standing there with her bags. I stepped aside and she came inside. Dave walked over to us and put his arm around my waist.

"Angie this is Dave. Dave this is Angie," I said. Dave shook her hand.

"Thanks for letting me come stay here. Britt you look so much happier now that you're home and your style is way better," Angie said as I heard footsteps on the basement stairs.

"No problem. I said I'd help. I am happier and I can wear what I want here. He'd let me wear my wedding dresses if I wanted to," I said.

"It's true. I'd let her walk around naked if we didn't have the kids," Dave added. I rolled my eyes as he grinned from ear to ear and Angie laughed as the door opened

"Mama Kurt is being mean to me," Meredith said as she held onto my leg. She looked at Angie and grabbed Dave's leg as well. I didn't want to image what she was thinking.

"Well let's go see what's going on," I said as I picked her up.

"I'll take Angie to her room. Maybe you can bring the kids upstairs and we can hang out in the living room," Dave suggested as Meredith and I headed to the basement stairs.

"Sounds good baby," I replied before heading down the stairs. Once I got to the bottom, I put Meredith down and headed to the kids room. When I walked in there Kurt was on his mini drumset, beating on it with Meredith's barbies.

"Kurt what are you doing?" I asked. He stopped and looked at me.

"I'm making girlie music," he replied with a smile.

"Mama he's hurting them. Make him stop," Meredith said as Kurt started banging on the drums with the barbies again.

"Kurt stop please. You know that you need to use drumsticks if you play with your drumset. Let's go upstairs and meet Angie," I said. Eric got off the couch and ran over to me. I picked him up as Kurt and Meredith ran up the stairs. Dave and Angie where just coming downstairs when I closed the basement door. I put Eric down and he ran to the living room where Kurt and Meredith had gone.

"Who decorated this place? It is beautiful," Angie said as we headed to the living room where Kurt and Eric where playing with blocks and Meredith was coloring in her giant ass coloring book with her crayons.

"Britt did. She keeps adding things on a daily basis. She's still unpacking her boxes that she had sent from canada," Dave replied.

"Wow. It's absolutely beautiful," Angie said as she looked around at everything.

"Thanks. He helped a bit," I added as she sat down on the couch. I went to join her but Dave pulled me into the kitchen instead.

"What the hell?" I asked once we were in the kitchen.

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