75. When You Come Back To Me Again

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I woke up the next day and was grateful the blinds where closed. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I couldn't remember much of last night for the life of me. That was a first. I almost always remembered every drunken and stupid mistake I ever made while drinking. I felt the bed shift beside me and sat up. I looked under the blanket and saw Dave in js and me in a tshirt and my panties. Did we?

"Good morning," Dave said as he rolled over and looked up at me.

"Morning. Did we?" I asked.

"No. We just made out for most of the night until you decided to go play dress up in our closets," Dave replied as he say up.

"I played dress up in both of our closests?" I asked as I put my knees up to my chest and put my head on my knee.

"Yes. You started with mine but then wanted a party dress and went to yours. You were really drunk," Dave said as he started rubbing my back.

"I just want to sleep more," I said as I closed my eyes.

"You promised Abby you'd be back at their place. She called already and I told her you were passed out," Dave said. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Where's my phone?" I asked. He reached over to his bedside table and put it beside me. I texted Abby.

"Can I just stay here please?" I sent.

"What about the kids?" Abby sent back.

"Bring them here. I don't want to leave right now. I just woke up."

"Fine. Taylor and I are coming with the kids and to get his car. Frances is bringing you your car and Taylor will drive her home. See you soon." Abby sent back. I put my phone on my bedside table as Dave got out of bed.

"Coffee?" he asked.

"Yes please," I replied as I streched. Dave walked out of the room and I got up and walked to my closest. I picked out a pair of shorts and a sweater and put them on before I headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table and watched as Dave cooked.

"What you making?" I asked as he brought coffee over to me.

"French toast," He replied as he went back to the stove.

"Oooo my favorite," I said with a yawn. He turned around and smiled at me.

"I know. You either make this or fried egg sandwhiches for yourself and pancakes for everyone else," Dave responded with as he took the french toast out of the pan. He brought it over to me with a fork and knife. He sat down at the table with his coffee.

"You're not gonna eat with me?" I asked.

"I ate when I got up. So I wanted to ask you something," Dave said as he put his coffee down on the table and put his hands on his knees as he elaned forward a looked at me.

"Oh god what?" I asked as I started cutting the french toast.

"Move back in with me and the kids please. Before you protest let me finish. I'll move into the guest house and you can stay in here with the kids. We can work on things. We'll go back to therapy together. It was wrong to quit when we did. I want you back in this house. This is where you belong with our kids. I know I gotta build your trust back up and I can't do that if you're not around," Dave said as I slowly ate. I sat there eating and thinking as he talked.

"Maybe. I can always take the guest house too," I replied after awhile.

"If you do decide to do it, I'm nto letting you take the guest house," he said as I finished my french toast.

"I'll do it. It's better the kids have us together in some way then us being apart. Thank you," I said as I stood up and put my plate and utensils in the dish washer as the doorbell rang. I ran tot he front door to get it.

"Brittany!" Violet, Harper and Ophelia screamed when they saw me and ran in and hugged me. I hugged them all back tightly.

"I missed you girls so much," I said once we let go. Dave was just joining us as I stood up. The girls ran to him and hugged him.

"Surprised to see you and not whatever her name was," Jordyn said as we hugged.

"Well I gotta come bakc and defend what's mine," I said as we let go.

"That's the Britt I know. You guys back together?" Jordyn asked.

"Working on it. Dave's moving into the guest house and I'm going to be staying here in the house," I replied.

"Well I'm happy your back. We need a wine night soon," Jordyn said as she headed back to the door.

"We do. Text me when you're free and I'll be there," I said as she walked out the door.

"Will do. Bye girls. Bye Dave and Britt. Hey Frances," Jordyn said as she walked to her car.

"Hey Jordyn. Well look who joined the land of the living," Frances said as she walked up to me. Jordyn backed out and drove off as Taylor and Abby pulled in.

"I'm hungover let me be. I want my babies," I said as Abby and Taylor got out of their car.

"They're coming. Did you two do the horizontal mambo last ngiht?" Taylor asked as he walked over to me.

"No. He was respectful of my drunkenness," I replied as Kurt and Meredith ran over to us. I bent down and hugged them as Abby walked over with Eric. I stood up and took him from her and hugged him tightly. He put his arms around my neck and put his head on y shoulder. I knew he missed me just as much as I missed him.

"Well we can't stay. We gotta go pick up the girls before heading to my mom's," Taylor said as he gave me a one armed hug.

"You ok to stay here til we get back?" Abby asked.

"I'm moving back so ya I will be," I replied as we hugged briefly.

"Be careful girl. I lvoe you. See you when I get back. Frances you sure you don't want a ride home?" Abby asked as she went back to the car.

"Ya. Lynz is gonna get me later. I want to see Britt for a bit though. Thanks though," Frances replied. Abby got in the car as Taylor rolled down her window.

"I'll get the car when we come back," Taylor yelled as he started backing up. I waved in response before we headed inside.

The rest of the day I hung out with Frances, the kids and Dave. It felt like old times but it was different. It felt a little more relaxed. I felt safer than I had before. Maybe moving back here was the right thing to do. Only time would tell.

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