34. Home Sweet Home

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I woke up and saw Dave sitting in the chair sleeping. I grabbed my phone from the table behind me and took a picture of him. The flash woke him up.

"Hey," he said in his sleepy morning voice. God that voice melted my heart.

"Hey you," I said back. I looked at the phone and noticed it was the next day. I was possibly going home today. I was happy but scared and also stressed. The house was probably still being packed up.

"What time is it?" Dave asked as he stretched.

"8:15 AM," I replied as I put my phone down on the bed beside me. "How bad is the house?" I asked.

"I left at around 6 ish and they where still going. We got the baby room set up at the new house and the master bedroom. You and the babies will not be inconvienced in anyway. Taylor made those rooms a fucking priority. There's two cribs in the nursery. Frances bought a bunch of clothes for Meredith. I paid her back for half. Her and Courtney actually set up the nursery after we got the stuff there. Don't worry babe. I got you taken care of," he finsihed as the doctor came in.

"How you feeling today?" the doctor asked me as Dave came and sat on the bed with me. I leaned into him as he put his arm around me.

"I'm feeling great. I could conquer the world," I joked.

"I hope by world you mean being a first time mom to twins," the doctor said with a laugh.

"Well we're gonna postpone the tour a bit longer until we can both get a hang of this. Only things she has to do is tv show and documentary and that's mainly when the tour starts again. It's not my first rodeo that's for sure," Dave responded.

"Well we're gonna give you some premade formula bottles and a few tins as well. I'll have oen of my interns come and discharge you in an hour. She'll also bring your son and daughter to the room. You have car seats for both correct?" she asked.

"Yes. I bought another one yesterday," Dave said.

"Ok. Well you can start getting ready to go home. Rest. Sleep when they're sleeping. Don't wake them. We'll send a breast pump home with you so that you can get rid of the milk. If they do have issues with the formula try some breast milk in a bottle. We'll send you home with everything you'll need. You'll do great. Enjoy being a mom Brittany," my doctor said.

"Thanks," I responded as she left the room.

I got of the bed with Dave's help and headed towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, put some make up on, brushed my hair and put on a dress that was in my bag. I put my sunglasses ona nd then mvoed them to the top of my head and then went back out to join Dave as the intern brought Meredith in. Dave picked her up as I headed towards the chair by the bed.

"She looks like you but with my eyes," Dave said as I sat down in the chair.

"Kurt looks like you but with my eyes. I guess we both win the bet," I replied as the intern returned with Kurt. I looked at her name tag and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" the intern asked.

"Your last name. I'm sorry. I just find it ironic that I named my daughter after Meredith Grey and your last name is Grey," I replied.

"Oh I love Grey's Anatomy. I want to be like Arizona Robbins," Dr. Grey said with a huge smile.

"I'm gonna go get the car seats babe. I'll be back in 15 minutes," Dave said as he put Meredith down and left the room.

"I'm gonna go get the stuff Dr.Ying told me to get for you. I'll be right back Miss. Lane," Dr. Grey said.

After she left, I got upand grabbed both cribs and pulled them towards the chair so I could sit down again. I looked at them and smiled.

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