79. Fluffy Tour Fluff

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1 Month Later

I was out on tour again but it was different this time. I had Dave and the kids with me. Dave and I had made a deal. He'd come on tour with me and support me and my solo project and I'd do the same on the upcoming Foo Fighters tour. I was happier than ever. I not only had Dave and the kids but I had Abby, Taylor and Ollie too. Frances, Scotty and Hunter where here too. Hunter and Abby where my amazing guitar players. I had hired Kyle as my drummer but he backed out the day before we left for tour. Thankfully Taylor and Dave stepped up and agreed to each help out, playing alternate nights so one of them could stay with the kids. I also had managed to snag a pretty aweome bass player. Nate and Kate just had a little one so Nate didn't want to tour even though he had done most of the bass tracks for my album. I understood and didn't argue but I did get a pretty awesome replacement without even asking. I was also extremely happy with the fellow acts on this tour. Chantal was one of them and I couldn't have been happier. We didn't like that the last half of the tour The Eeries would be switching with one of the unknown acts that where causing trouble already on this tour.

"Britt Dave is looking for," Krist said as I walked out of a room with Hunter and Abby.

"Did one fo the kids do something?" I asked getting worried.

"No he just wants has something to tell you. I think he's in the family room," Krist said as Abbya nd I started walking away and Hunter stayed to talk with Krist.

"I hope I didn't do anything wrong," I said.

"You haven't done anything wrong beside get stupid wasted last night after the show," Abby replied.

"We both did," I said as we got to the fmaily room. We walked in and saw Dave covered in kids.

"Please help me," Dave said as we stood there laughing. I walked over, grabbed Eric, picked him up and blew on his tummy. He giggled at me as Abby picked up Ollie just as he was about to hit an area Dave would not have enjoyed.

"Kurty said we where making a daddy dog pile," Meredith said as she sat down in Dave's lap after he sat up properly. Daddy's little girl.

"Daddy tough he can take it," Kurt said as he sat beside Dave.

"He is but he's old too," I said as I sat down scross from Dave. He gave me a hurt expression before smiling. "What did you want me for?" I asked.

"I just wanted to know if you had some free time soon so we can talk about some things," Dave said as Meredith got up and ran to Krist as he came in.

"I have nothing but time now that soundcheck is done. Krist can you watch the kids please?" I asked as he took Eric from em after I stood up.

"Heck ya. I love spending time with these three. Come on Kurt," Krist said and Kurt got up and headed out to the hall way. Probably to go run around the empty floor before people came in. Abby left with Ollie in search of Taylor as Dave moved into the chair he had been sitting against.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked as I got up and sat down in his lap.

"The next tour. I want you as an opening act," Dave said.

"That wasn't the deal though. I want to do another movie or a tv show or something. I want to be a mom. I've missed so much already," I replied.

"You wouldn't be missing anything. You're already gonna be on the tour. Yu can be the opening opening act. Sing like 5 songs and then get off and come be the kids and me for a bit before I go out and rock the crowd and make you puddle of water as Abby puts it. You can do the acting when we get home or you can sit around and be a stay at home mom. You can even be a desperate housewife if you want. I won't stop you," Dave responded.

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