48. I Forgot To Mention...

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We where on our way home from Tyler's when I got a text from Scotty.

"Daisy landed safely and she's home. Wtf did she do?"

"She tried to sleep with Dave whenever I had to go to Tyler's house to help with the funeral." I sent back.

"She said you where being a bitch and that she left." He texted.

"Then why'd you ask what she do?" I asked him. I waited for a response.

"Because I fucking know you. I also fucking know her. If you were being a bitch she would have called me instead of you," he responded.

"Oh kk. I'm just about home. I'll see you in two months! :)" I texted before putting my phone back in my purse.

Hunter was in the backseat with the twins, watching them as they slept. I put my hand on my knee as Dave drove. I was staring out the window when Dave grabbed my hand. I looked over at him and he looked back and smiled. I knew things would be ebtter if he worked things out with Taylor. Dave lifted my hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. I blushed as he let his hand and mine drop to his lap. This is how we usually drove, holding hands in Dave's lap. (lol)

"Hunter do you think you can put both twins to bed for us tongiht please?" Dave asked as we pulled into the drive way. I gave him a confused look. I was capable of putting my own babies to bed.

"Ya sure," Hunter replied as the garage door opened.

Dave noticed the look he was getting and kissed my hand again. I figured that he probably just wanted to talk. Once we where parked inside the garage, I got out and took Kurt out of the backseat so Hunter could get out. Dave took Meredith out as Hunter took Kurt from me. He walked around the car and took Meredith from Dave and headed inside.

"I just want to talk before we go in," Dave said as he walked around the car to me.

"What about? How you've been an ass to me this past week?" I asked as he put his hands on my hips.

"Exactly that. I'm sorry. Taylor just fucking really pissed me off. I didn't mean to take it out on you. I'm sorry that Daisy tried to sleep with me while you were with Tyler," Dave said as he pulled me closer to him.

"That's Daisy and I forgive you. I love you," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you too," he replied before he leaned in and kissed me.

We started making out passionately and I ended up pushed against the side of the car. Dave pressed himself against me and I could feel his hard on through his suit pants. Dave started kissing his way down my neck, across my collar bone and down my cleavage as his hand reached behind me for the door handle. He broke away from ema nd pulled me away from the car so he could open the door. He let go of me to undo one of the car seat holder that was in the way. Once he was done, he pulled me over and laid me down in the car.

"Shhhhhhh," was all Dave said as he reached up under my dress and pulled my panties off. Once they where off he pulled me closer to him which liftedthe bottom of my dress up. Dave leaned down and started doing what he did best. I grabbed his hair as I felt his tongue circling my clit. I used my other hand to cover my moouth to keep my moaning down as he kept going. I felt myself getting close and I let go of his head to grab onto the driver's seat. He knew it was coming, so he started going faster. I couldn't stop myself as I let out a small scream as I came. Dave stood up and leaned intot he car, kissing his way up to my lips.

"I told you to shhhhhh," He said with a small alugh.

"I can't help it," I replied as he got out of the car and pulled me out with him.

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