95. That's It, That's All!

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6 Months Later - June 30th

"She's so cute. I'm glad you guys had another one. She's going to be as beautiful as her mom and sister," Abby said as she held Priscilla. Priscilla arrived a week ago on the twenty third. She was the absolute last one. We agreed to four pregnancies and she was the fourth.

"She's the last one though," I said as Taylor and Dave came into the room with Clair, Ollie, James and Eric. Dave was carrying James and he put him down in the chair beside me. Frances had Kurt for the weekend and Jordyn took Meredith for a sister weekend. Her and Lucas had a little baby boy two weeks ago. Jordyn and Lucas had named him Michael Kevin.

"That's what you said with James," Taylor said as he sat down with Clair beside Abby and Priscilla on the couch.

"No she's the last one. We made an agreement and we're sticking to it right babe," Dave said as he sat down on the arm of the chair James and I were in.

"Yes sir. She's the last one. We wanted a girl and we got one finally so we're done," I responded with.

"How's Ginnie doing Dave?" Abby asked. I put my hand on Dave's knee as James climbed up onto my lap.

"She's getting better. If all goes as planned, we should be able to bring her home in a few weeks," Dave replied. He put a hand over mine and gave it a squeeze. Ginnie had a heart attack and needed surgery. The stress of worrying about Ginnie sent me into labor. I felt bad for Dave, making him be in two places at once.

"If you guys want to go see her, we can stay and watch the kids. The twins aren't here so we can handle this," Abby said. I looked up at Dave and he looked exhausted.

"Or we could take James and Eric with us and you guys can spend the weekend with Priscilla. Just relax a bit, sleep and spend some time together and with this little angel," Taylor said as he looked down at Priscilla. Dave looked down at me and kind of shrugged.

"Up to you," Dave said and I sighed.

"That'd be great guys. If they get to be too much, just bring them home," I replied.

Dave stayed in the living room with Abby and Taylor while I went to pack a small bag for Eric and James. When I came back downstairs, Abby and Taylor where getting Clair and James ready to go. Eric and Ollie followed Dave out of the living room as he carried Priscilla. We said good bye to everyone and I watched from the front door as they left. I went back inside, closed the door and realised Dave was gone. I headed upstairs and found him in the nursery putting Priscilla in the crib. I smiled at him when he turned around and saw me. He walked out of the room, closed the door, took my hand and took me to our room. Once inside, he pulled me in for a hug. We stood there just holding each other for what felt like forever. Dave eventually let go of me and walked over and sat on the bed.

"Everything ok?" I asked as he turned on the TV as I joined him on the bed.

"Ya just tired and worried about my mom," Dave responded back with.

"I figured. Do you want me to leave you alone? I can go find something to do," I said as he flipped through the channels, not looking at me.

"Up to you," was all Dave said.

I looked at him and sighed before getting up and going back downstairs. I went and sat down in my little office off the living room and decided to write. I use to love writing until I got too busy with the band and then the kids and life in general. I turned on my computer and opened up a new document. I was about to start writing when Dave came in.

"Do you want to watch a movie with me?" he asked.

"Thought you wanted to be alone," I said back.

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