71. Meeting Baby Ollie

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Dave had decided to help Scotty move the few boxes he had shipped from Calgary to the house before he joined me at the hospital. He dropped me off and I went in with the teddy bear and gift I had for Abby. I asked the nurse what room she was in and they pointed down the hall. I knocked and waited for an answer.

"Come in," I heard Taylor say. I opened the door and walked in.

"Britt you finally came. Where's Dave?" Taylor said as he walked over and hugged me. I hugged him back tightly.

"He is moving Scotty's boxes and Scotty to our guest house quickly. We decided it was better to watch Scotty then give him a big house to party in and trash. He'll be here when he gets here. He's my ride," I said as Taylor let go of me and I walked over to Abby.

"I'm glad you came. What did you bring me?" Abby asked as she eyed the bag.

"This is for our first girls night once we can both get free nights to be drunk moms," I said as I handed her the bag. She looked inside and smiled.

"We are drinking this as soon as I can let Taylor convince me to take a night off from little Ollie," Abby replied as we hugged.

"You can drink it. I'll stick with my tequila and girlie drinks," I replied as Taylor walked over to us with Ollie.

"Oh my god he's so cute. He looks like a pink mini Taylor," I said as my eyes started tearing up.

"Ya well Eric looked like a pink mini Dave when he was born too," Taylor replied.

"I know. I said that to Dave too. Can I holds him pwease?" I asked going baby talk already.

"Yes," Taylor said and he handed me Ollie. I got up and walked over to other side of the bed where the chair was and sat down.

"Oh so get this. Allison came tog et the kids this morning and she had the nerve to call me a homewrecker," I said as I looked down at Ollie.

"Come again," Taylor said surprised.

"Ya she walked into my house being all bitchy to me so I asked her what her damage was and if it was because you had moved on," I said and nodded at Taylor before I continued. "Then she said you could whatever you wanted with Barbie and I corrected her and said it was Abby not Barbie. So I asked why she was being a bitch to me when I did nothing wrong and she got up in my face and said you know what you did. I said I didn't and she said I made a happily married man leave his wife and kids, I had Jordyn's life now and that it wouldn't last. I told her Dave made the first move, not me and that Jordyn cheated before Dave made a move on me anyways. Then I told her to take her kids and get the f out."

"She called me Barbie?" Abby asked with a disgusted face.

"Ya. I made the same face internally when she said that," I replied as I went back to looking at Ollie.

"I'll have a talk with her. She needs to move on," Taylor said as he sat on the bed beside Abby.

"Bitch needs a new man," I said and then cringed realising I swore in front of the baby. "Sorry."

"Oh Abby swore earlier when he wouldn't latch onto her nipple," Taylor said.

"You swore when he peed on you," Abby said as she looked up at Taylor. I looked up at them and noticed her finger.

"Oh my god," I exclaimed as Dave walked into the room.

"What just happened?" he asked, stopping where he was. He had flowers in his hands.

"Not you. Those two. When where you gonna tell me?" I asked as I looked at Abby.

"He asked before you came in," Abby replied with an ear to ear grin palstered on her face. Dave stood where he had stopped looking confused. Taylor took the flowers from him as I stood up and walked over to him.

"Here take Ollie. I need to look at the ring," I said as I handed him the baby.

"Ring?" Dave asked with a funny look on his face as I walked over to Abby who had her left hand out waiting for me to look at it. I grabbed it and looked at it.

"I popped the question," Taylor said as he walked over to Dave and put his arm around his shoulder.

"It looks so much better on your finger than mien or the sales ladies," I said as I looked at it.

"You helped pick it out?" Abby asked, surprised.

"Well ya. What are best friends for?" I asked with a smile.

"Did you pick it or him?" she asked.

"He did. I gave approval. That was my job, besides being the hand model," I replied.

"Congratulations you guys," Dave said as he and Taylor came over and joined us.

"Thanks Dave," Abby replied with a smile.

"Ya thanks bro. Are you ok with being second best man? I wanna ask Shane to be my best man but he can't plan a proper bachelor party," Taylor said. My eyes went wide at bachelor party. Dave had gotten really drunk at his and ended up passing out half way up the stairs when he got home. Ya, imagine the look on my face when I woke up the next day and found him there.

"Sure man. I'll be the Robin to his Batman," Dave replied.

One Hour Later

We walked through the house to the kitchen and saw a note on the counter. "Went home to chill with Jimmy and Chantal for a bit. Girls, baby and twins are with me. Be home around dinner time. Xo F"

"We have the house to ourselves," I said as I put the note down. Dave closed the fridge and handed me a mike's hard. I took it, opened it and took a sip as he did the same with his beer.

"What about Scotty?" Dave asked as he nodded towards the window. I looked over and saw Scotty walking across the lawn.

"I wanted to nap," I said as Scotty got closer.

"An actual nape or an adult nap?" Dave asked as Scotty opened the door.

"Both," I replied as Scotty walked into the house.

"Hey guys. I just thought I'd come make something to eat if that's ok," Scotty said as he looekd between us.

"Dude ya it's fine. Make what you want when you want. Maybe we can go grocery shopping tomorrow so we can stock up the guest house," I said.

"Maybe I'll take him. You can't seem to leave the house without making the headlines," Dave said as he looked at his phone.

"What do you mean?" I asked as Scotty started going through the cupboards.

"Brittany Lane Grohl spotted entering hospital after husband Dave Grohl drops her off. According to our reports Brittany was visiting a friend of hers who just had a baby. Could this be Taylor Hawkins expectant child. Taylor, drummer for the Foo Fighters, is expecting his fourth child any day now with his new girlfriend Abby White. There's no news on that at the moment. We also caught Dave walking into the hospital awhile after he dropped Brittany off with flowers. If Taylor and Abby did have their baby, Congratulations on the arrival of your little one," Dave finished as Scotty took a pizza out of the freezer.

"Seriously I can't leave the house since the tv show came out and they want to do a second season but be more on my personal life cause people loved those parts the most. I'm going for a nap. Fuck adulting," I said as I sipped my drink and walked out of the kitchen to go for a nap.

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