60. On The Mend

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"It looks to be a boy," Dr Ying replied as she moved the wand around a bit ore.

"Another mini Dave for me to run around after," I said as Dave kissed the side of my head.

"Here's a picture of your little man for you. Don't let Dave take this one. He has about 6 or 7 in his wallet from when you where out," Dr Ying said as she handed me the picture. I looked at it and smiled.

"Tell the other dr that I said thank you for saving me. Thank you for keeping my baby alive," I said as Dr. Ying stood up and walked tot he door.

"I'll tell him and it's my job but you're welcome just the same," she smiled at me before walking out fo the room. Krist came and sat on the other side of me. I opened my arms and looked at him. He leaned in and hugged me.

"I'm gonna go call everyone. They'll be happy to know that you're awake," Dave said as he stood up and Krist let go of me. Dave walked out of the room with his phone in hsi hand. Krist watched as he wlaked out of the room and turned to look at me.

"Don't tell Dave this but I asked someone to bring you back to us," he said as he squeezed my hand.

"A blonde someone?" I asked.

"Ya. Nothing else seemed to work so I told Dave I was gonna go light a candle in the chapel for you. I did that but I also asked Kurt to bring you back to us," Krist admitted.

"Well I'm here and safe. What everyone did helped in some way," I said as Dave came back into the room.

"Hunter will tell your guys, Taylor will tell our guys and Frances and Jordyn are bringing the kids by. Jordyn was close by when I called her so she should be here soon," Dave replied as Krist stood up and sat down in the chair beside me.

"I can't wait to see them," I said as I heard a group of footsteps.

"Mommy why are we here? She's just gonna be asleep like always," we heard Ophelia say out on the hall. Violet and Harper where the first ones in the room. When they saw me they stood there with their mouths open. Ophelia and Jordyn came in the room shortly after. When Ophelia saw me she ran over to Dave and he picked her up and put her on the bed with me. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I missed you mama b," she said as I hugged her. I started crying as I held her.

"I missed you too Ophelia. I missed all of you," I replied as Violet and Harper came over to the bed. I hugged both of them as well.

"It's good to see you awake again," Jordyn said as she came over and stood by Dave.

"It's good to be awake," I replied with a smile.

"When can we take mama b home?" Ophelia asked Dave.

"In a week if things go good sweetpea," Dave replied.

"When you come home can we have a tea party like we use to?" Ophelia asked as she turned to look at me again.

"We can have as many tea parties as you want," I replied as we put our foreheads together. The girls told me about school, their friends and they told me how big Bowie was getting. After about 20 minutes Jordyn said it was time to go so the girls each gave me another hug and Dave and Krist one before they all left. Shortly after they left Frances showed up with my babies.

"Mama mama mama," Kurt said and started reaching for me when he saw me. Frances put him on the bed and I held him tightly as I started crying again. Meredith was also put on the bed and I held her tightly too.

"Mama loves you both so much. Mama is never leaving you again," I said as I kissed the tops of their heads.

"Mama boo boo," Meredith said as she pointed to my belly.

"No that's a baby," I replied. Kurt kissed my cheek then and amde em smile.

"Now this is one thing I really missed," Dave said as he sat down on the bed with us. "We're a family again."

"That we are," I replied as he put his arm around me and I held our babies.

1 Week Later

I walked into the living room after getting home and sat down on the couch. Taylor and Dave put the twins down and went to the kitchen. Kurt walked over to the couch, climbed up on and sat beside me. He barely left my side when he was around me. I was perfectly fine with it. Meredith was going through the bookcase with their books on it and came over to me with one of the books. She put it in my lap and got on the couch on the other side of me.

"Do you want me to read to you?" I asked her as I looked at her.

"Yes mama pwease," she replied. I opened the book and started reading them There's a Wocket in My Pocket.

Dave and Taylor where in the kitchen making lunch for all of us. Abby and Frances where both coming over. Abby was at work and Frances was bringing the flowers from the hospital for me. I was reading when I heard the front door open.

"Dave I think Frances is here. Can you help her please?" I asked as loud as I could. Dave came into the living and walked through to the entrance to help her. Taylor poked his head around the corner.

"Abby's on her way. She can't wait to see you. Wait til you see her. She's almost as big as you," Taylor said with a smile.

"I can't wait to see her either. Tell her to be careful," I said as he went back to what he was doing. I went back to the book. I finished it when Dave and Frances came to the living room.

"Hey sis. Glad to see you back home finally. This house was weird without you," Frances said as she hugged me from behind the couch.

"You're right. It felt off," Taylor said as he came in with a tray of ssandwhiche. I licked my lips as he put it on the table in front of me. Taylor had seen em lick my lips and started laughing once his hands where off the tray.

"What the..." Dave said and made a face at Taylor as the doorbell rang. Frances went to get it as Dave put a sandwhich on a palte and handed it to me.

"She licked her lips like she was a fox looking at a chicken," Taylor said as he sat down on the floor. Frances came in with Abby as I bit into the sandwhich.

"She really is home. Hey Britt welcome home. Sorry I didn't come see you but I was visiting my mom for two weeks," Abby said as she came around the couch and hugged me. I swallowed my food and smiled at her.

"Thank you and you knwo it's perfectly fine. Look at you though. We match," I replied as I looked at her belly.

"I'm a week behind you. You're 20 right?" Abby asked as Dave got up and let her sit beside me on the couch.

"Yes. I was 19 when I woke up," I said as I looked at my bump. Meredith went and sat in Dave's lap once he sat down beside Taylor on the floor. Kurt just switched sides so he could sit between me and Frances who was on the other side of me.

"I'm 19 now. We're bump buddies," Abby said and we both laughed.

We ate the sandwhiches and talked. Everyone caught me up on what had happened while I was out. Dave had agreed to help with my bands new album. Taylor's divorce was finally finalized and Abby was living with him full time now. They where having a boy as well. Chris was working on new country music. Taylor was also doing some Chevy Metal shows here and there. Frances was working on more art related stuff. Hunter had a girlfriend named Lexi, which made me laugh. Throughtout the rest of the day the rest of the Foos came over to see me and bring me more flowers and chocolates, which I loved. My guys also came to see me and they brought me a mini muffin basket, my fav. Dave decided to make steaks and asparagus for dinner and I squealed with excitement when he said steak, which caused everyone to laugh.

When we sat down in the formal dining room that fit everyone comfortably, I did something I hadn't done in a long time.I bent my head down and prayed. I thanked god for keeping me and my family and friends safe. Then, I thanked Kurt for helping me find my way back. I wasn't gonna tell Dave what I thought happened just before I woke up. It's weird Krist told me he asked Kurt for help with me. It was a very weird cowinkydink.

(I can't spell the actual word. cowinceadince - how it sounds to me when I say it)

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