47. Welcome To Peace Punk

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I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Hunter. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom before answering.

"Any news?" I asked instead of saying hi.

"He didn't make it Britt," Hunter replied.

I started crying and fell to the floor as Hunter told me that he crashed and was brought back but that he had died shortly after. I hung up my phone as Hunter was telling me to come to the hospital. Kevin had passed away. I sat there crying for what felt like forever when Dave came in. I told him what happened and he held me as I cried.

1 Week Later

We where just arriving at the chruch for Kevin's funeral. Dave got out first and held his hand out for me to take it. I grabbed it and got out of the car. I closed the door behind me and we started walking into the chruch. I hadn't stopped crying since it happened. I still couldn't believe that Kevin had passed away. We all wanted him to wake but most of us knew that he wouldn't. We walked in and Josh came up to us.

"Hey guys. Britt sorry for your loss," Josh said as he hugged me.

"Thanks," I replied softly. Josh gave Dave a uick hug as Frances came up to us.

"Tyler says they're about to start. If you want to go see him, better do it now," she said as I looked over at the coffin.

I let go of Dave's hand and walked up to the casket. I stood there and stared at him. I started crying again as I put a hand on one of his. I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "I love and miss you." Dave came up behind em and put an arm around my shoulders as I stood up straight.

"Let's go sit down," He whispered to me. We turned around and sat down beside Tyler. Tyler grabbed my right hand and squeezed it. I looked around and saw Nate, Chris and Pat sitting a few pews back and Taylor was behind them. Taylor waved when he saw me looking at him. I turned around and looked straight ahead as the funeral started.

Awhile later...

"Next we'd like to ask Brittany Lane to come up and say a few words," Garrett said after he finished speaking. Dave squeezed my hand before I stood up and headed towards the front of the chruch. I stood behind the mic and looked out at everyone.

"I met Kevin about a year ago and he became one of my best friends. He was there whenever I got into a fight with one of the band mates and he was always on my side. He was amazing person who loved everyone he met. He was always trying to help people. I remember this one time we where walking down the street together and we saw this homeless man. Kevin went across the street and bought the man a Big Mac meal and gave it to him. That's the kind of person Kevin was. Yes he had flaws like we all do but he was a good person. I will miss him alot. Life won't be the same without his smile or laugh in it. Kevin I love and miss you and I always will," I said as I started crying. I walked back to Dave and Tyler and sat down. They both grabbed my hands and held them.

After the funeral we were going to go back to Tyler's house. Dave and I went to Jordyn's first to pick up the twins and see the girls. Violet, Harper and Ophelia all hugged me tightly when they saw me. Dave and Jordyn went to get the twins while the girls and I hugged.

"Thanks girlies. I needed that," I said as I smiled at all of them.

"We're sorry about Kevin," Ophelia said.

"Ya and we wanted to show you we cared," Violet said as she walked over and picked up something from a table and came back over.

"We also wanted you to know we love you," Harper added as I took a picture frame Violet handed to me. It was a picture of the girls with Kevin and I. We where each making a different face.

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