62. I Think I'm Crazy

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I woke up the next day and headed down to the main floor. Nobody was up yet so I walked around the house and just looked around. I noticed that Dave had put up some of the wedding pictures in the living room. I picked up one of just me and him. I hadn't seen any pictures so this was new to me. I looked at the picture of me leaning against the wall and him with his hand on the wall beside me. That was the first time since we got married that we where alone. I didn't know the photographer had followed us.. There was also one of the grooms men with Dave, me with the bridal party, a group shot of the whole bridal party, and a couple of family shots. I put the picture back and moved on to the guitar room. This room hadn't changed at all. I sat down on the couch after I picked up a guitar. I started playing it and was relieved that I could still play. I started playing Generator and sang as I played it. Dave came into the room while I was playing and sat down beside me. I stopped when he started rubbing me back.

"Sorry if I woke you and the kids up," I said as I put the guitar down beside the couch.

"Kids are still asleep so you didn't really wake anyone up. I woke up because I reached over and you wheren't there and ran down here to look for you," Dave replied as I scooted closer to him.

"I'm sorry. I thought I'd come look around. Alot of thigns have changed except this room," I responded as I stood up and but the guitar back in it's place.I went back tot he couch and sat on Dave's lap.

"That's because I didn't come in here while you were in the hospital. I was with the kids or you. Frances put the wedding pictures up on the wall and changed the flowers every week like you do," Dave said as he sat back in the couch and we cuddled.

"I'm sorry this whole stupid thing happened. I survived and so did our little man who still needs a name," I said as I ran a hand through his hair.

"Hans," he said.

"I hope to god you are joking," I replied with a small laugh.

"Ok what about Clay?" he said as I slid off of him but kept my legs over his lap.

"Derek?" I asked.

"You won with Meredith. I'm not giving you the Merder set. What about Deacon?" He asked.

"If we're going with tv character names then I highly suggest Jesse," I said as I heard footsteps on the stairs.

"What about my middle name," Dave suggested.

"Eric Grohl. Ok what about middle names?" I asked as I heard the door to the basement open.

"What about Scott? Like after Scotty," Dave adeed as the basement door closed.

"What about Eric Scott James Grohl?" I asked.

"I think it sounds perfect," Dave said as he leaned in and kissed me.

"I think the girls are up," I said once we pulled apart.

"You do what you were doing and I'll go see what they're doing and check on the twins. I'll make pancakes for us if they're already eating ceral," Dave said as he took my legs off his lap and stood up. He walked tot he door, opened it and stopped.

"Why James?" he turned around and asked me.

"I thought of Jimmy and just went with what sounded best," I replied.

"I'm giving you extra butter and syrup. Do you want anything before I do all this?" Dave asked as he opened the door and stood there waiting.

"I can go get my laptop myself," I said as I stood up.

"Sit and relax. I'll go get it. Kitchen right?" He asked as he started down the hall.

"Yes," I replied back before I sat back down on the couch and picked up the guitar again.

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