94. That's A Wrap!

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5 Months Later - Dec 2nd

"CUT! And that is a wrap on Mark, Brittany and the movie. Good job everyone and have a good holiday season," the director shouted.

Mark and I hugged each other and everyone else in the cast and crew before I headed back to my dressing room. All my little Knick knacks that I had brought where packed up and already in my car. I just needed to change into my normal clothes before heading home. When I opened the door to my dressing room there was a huge thing of roses. I changed quickly before I read the card attached to the flowers.

"I hope your last day on set was amazing. I can't wait to get you home later. I love you to the moon and back. Xo D"

"Woah who sent you these?" Mark asked as he walked into my dressing room.

"Dave of course. Thank you again for mentioning this movie when we were at Fallon. I'm so glad I did it," I replied.

"Good man you got there and don't mention it. I told you you were perfect for the part. Here I got you a little something for Christmas because I know you love him and me," Mark said as he handed me the bag in his hand. I took it and pulled out a Ted teddy bear.

"No fucking way. I have my own Ted. Thank you," I said as I hugged the bear and then him.

"There's another surprise in there but don't let Dave see them. He might get mad," Mark said and I looked down.

"Oh my god Abby is going to die when she sees these," I said with a huge smile.

"The girl that was with you yesterday?" Mark asked and I nodded.

"Yes. She use to have something like this," I said and looked back down in the bag.

"I'll send you another one for her. Better yet, why don't you and Dave come to the Christmas party I'm throwing next week. I could give it to you then," Mark responded with and I just smiled.

"I'll have to talk it over with Dave first. I can't promise anything but I'll let you know. I'm glad we wrapped a bit early. I can actually get to my appointment on time now," I responded as a knock came at the door. I looked behind Mark and saw Dave.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," Dave said as he walked in. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss.

"Nope I was just inviting you guys over for a Christmas party next week. Kids are welcome. Brittany was just saying she had to ask you first," Mark responded with.

"Well depending on the day, we should be able to do it. Babe we have to go if we want to make the appointment," Dave said and I nodded.

Mark and I hugged again and said good bye while Dave picked up the flowers and the bag with Ted in it. Dave had gotten dropped off by Taylor so we only had one car. I let Dave drive like I always did and he didn't argue when I played a song he didn't like. I was nervous about today. I was a couple months late and had said that it was just stress but Dave insisted we go just so we know. When we got there, we headed inside and waited in the waiting room. I was bouncing my knee up and down and fiddling my fingers while we waited.

"Hey calm down. We've done this before," Dave said as he put his hand on my knee.

"I know but I do this every time because I hate doctors. What if they tell me I can't get pregnant anymore. It's scary," I replied.

"You are stressing and worrying for no reason. We're here to find out if we're having another one or not. Relax, breathe and think about all the ice cream you can eat again," Dave said as he rubbed my back.

"I can eat ice cream again. I knew I married you for a reason," I said back. Dave chuckled and pulled me into him and kissed my head.

"Brittany Lane," a nurse called out. Dave and I both stood up and followed her to a room. I got ready and was laying on the table when the doctor came in.

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