44. I Should Have Known

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"We're gonna need a lot of fresh pots to survive today," I said as we lay in bed. I looked at the clock on my bedside table. It was 7:30 AM. We had gone to bed at 10 PM. We had spent the entire night stuck together like two pieces velcro.

"Oh fuck ya," Dave replied as he yawned.

"Ok no more all night sexcapades unless we have nothing to do the next day and there are no kids around," I said as I sat up and streched.

"I'm too old for no sleep," Dave said as he rolled over onto his side and put the pillow over his head.

"If you go to sleep and make me deal with these kids alone, you won't be getting what we did all night until the wedding night," I said as I got out of bed and grabbed my housecoat.

"Just like an hour or two please?" he asked after he had removed the pillow from his head.

"I'm just gonna let Ophelia come in here and jump on you until you get up," I replied as I walked into my closet to put on some pajama pants and a shirt so I could go make breakfast for everyone. I decided to make Bacon and eggs as I pulled a blue pair of pajama pants out of the drawer. As I was putting them on, I realized they were Dave's. I smiled as I grabbed a random shirt and put it on. I walked out and was surprised Dave was still in bed. I heard voices in the hall and knew the girls where up. I walked over to my side of the bed and grabbed my phone before heading towards the door. I walked out into the hall and saw Violet and Harper trying to get Ophelia to come downstairs with them.

"What's going on?" I asked after I had closed the bedroom door a bit and walked down the hallway.

"Ophelia wanted to go wake up you and dad but we want her to come watch a movie with us and get ceral.

"I want to go wake up daddy," Ophelia said as she looked up at me.

"How about we all go wake up daddy?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Yay," Ophelia shouted.

"Shhhhhhh," I said as we all started creeping down the hall towards the bedroom. I opened the door and walked in to see if he was still in bed. He was. I moved aside and the girls ran inside and got on the bed and started jumping on the bed. Ophelia had decided to sit Dave.

"Daddy get up. It's french toast day," she said as she shook him as best she could. He rolled over and she fell off of him. He sat up and reached over and started tickling her. Harper and Violet started tickling him in response.

I decided to go downstairs and make french toast instead of bacon and eggs after Ophelia said that. This was our last day with the girls until friday after school. Jordyn didn't want them staying with Dave and I during the school week or the night before school. She wanted to get the girls back on a schedule as she had put it. My phone rang as I entered the kitchen. It was Tyler.

"Yo brovis what's up?" I asked after I put him on speaker phone.

"Have you seen Kevin?" Tyler asked as I put my phone on the counter and grabbedwhat I needed from the fridge.

"No. Why?" I asked.

"He's fucking shooting up again. I'm scared he's fucking OD'ed somewhere," Tyler resplied. I looked out the window to the guest house. Hunter wouldn't let me stay if he was using. Hunter stopped after the last time. Kevin had done it in the house with Hunter and tried to get him to do it.

"I'll call you back," I said and hung up. I walked over to the table and looked out at the pool house. The door was open a crack. I heard Dave and the girls coming down the stairs.

"Dave I'll be right back," I said as they entered the kitchen and I opened the back door. Bowie ran out the door and started sniffing the grass. I walked towards the pool house wondering why the door was open. I looked behind me and saw Dave runnign up to join me. The girls stayed on the patio.

"What are you doing?" Dave asked when he caught up to me and walked with me.

"The pool house door is open. Just thought I'd see what was going on," I replied as we got close to the pool house.

"I closed the door behind me," Dave said as we got to the door. I didn't want to go in there. I was scared as to what I might find.

"I don't care about that. You go in and look. I'm a girl," I said and nudged him towards the door.

"Good idea," he said before walking in. I stayed outside and waited for him. I looked over at the girls and then to the guest house and saw Hunter running over to me.

"Kevin was high as fuck last night so I told him to stay in the pool house. I don't want him doing that shit near me again," Hunter said when he got up to me.

"It's ok. I und......," I was cut off by Dave shouting oh my god. I ran into the pool house to where I heard Dave shout from. He saw me and came out of the room where the towels were.

"Do not go in there Brittany. Hunter get your phone and call 911. Tell them we need an ambulance. Brittany please go back to the house and stay there with the girls please," Dave said as he held my arms.

"Is it Kevin?" I asked after I heard Hunter leave.

"Britt please go back to the house," Dave said as he looked into my eyes. I pushed him aside and ran into the little room and let out a huge scream. Dave pulled me out of the room and held me tightly.

"I should have listened," I said as I cried into his chest.

"You didn't but I probably would have done the same," Dave said as he rubbed my back while he held me. Hunter came back then.

"They're on the way," he said.

"Thank you. Can you go make the girls breakfast and take her to the house please?" Dave asked as he let go of me. Hunter took my hand and we walked to the house. I had managed to stop crying for now. Brave face for the girls.

"Is everything ok Hunter?" Violet asked as we walked into the house.

"I don't know Vi. Britt where you going?" Hunter asked as I walked out of the kitchen. I went upstairs to the nursery and sat down in the rocking chair. The twins where still sleepng so I sat in there and just rocked myself back and forth. I got up when Kurt started crying. I could hear the sirens coming. Could this really be how his story ends?

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