85. The Tonight Show

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4 Weeks Later - October 9

Britt - 15 weeks

Frances - 20 weeks

Abby - 24 weeks

I was in the green room waiting to go on Jimmy Fallon. They where about to start the show when a knock came at the door. I looked up as Jimmy came into the room.

"Hey Brittany. I just wanted to stop by before we start and say thank you for coming. I'm glad you could finally make it. You're here to promote your album and that's what we'll talk about. I will ask a couple of questions though about the rehab if that's ok," he said after he shook my hand.

"Yes that's fine. Is the band good with backing me up tonight?" I asked in return as Abby came in with with Eric and Ollie. Kurt and Meredith were sick again and stayed home with Frances and Scotty.

"They sure are. You'll be the first guest so watch through the tv monitor and then we'll do the lip sync battle and you'll be back at the end to perform. I'll see you out there," Jimmy said before he walked out.

"You ready for this?" Abby asked as I started bouncing my knees up and down.

"I just want to get it over with. I'm not ok with him asking about the rehab at all. It's not like I was out being Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton," I replied.

"Just be polite and answer them without being bitchy. You get this done and over with and you get to go see Dave and I can see Taylor and the other guys can take these two adorable little monsters so I can do unmentionable things to T," Abby said. I started laughing as the show started.

"We have a great show tonight. We finally have Brittany Lane to promote her amazing album. I think I heard a rumor that she wants to take me on in a lip sync battle so we'll be doing that as well. We also have Mark Wahlberg on tonight and then Brittany will be back to perform a special single that will be available for download after the show with a special guest band," Jimmy said on the tv in my green room.

"Special guest band? I thought it was just the house band," I said as Jimmy went on with whatever he was doing tonight.

"I thought so too," Abby said as she looked away from me. She knew something.

"You know something. What is it girlie? Spit it out," I said as Eric walked over to ema nd I picked him up.

"I don't know anything. You're nuts," She replied, keeping her eye on the tv.

"I know you know. You won't look at me," I said.

"Snitches get stitches," she said back as a knock came at the door. I knew that was my cue. I put Eric down on the couch beside me and stood up.

"We need you behind the curtain Mrs Grohl," the young woman said. I looed at Abby and smiled. She knew I liked being called that just a little too much.

"Go knock em dead Mrs. Grohl," Abby said with a wink. I followed the young woman to whee I had to stand and wait. I waited patiently as Jimmy started talking again.

"She's finally here to talk about her amazing solo album My Personal Soundtrack which is covers of songs that mean the world to her. Please welcome back Brittany Lane," Jimmy said and the curtain opened. I smiled and waved before giving Jimmy and hug and walking around the desk to the chair.

"Hi Jimmy," I said after I sat down.

"Hey Brittany. How are you?" he asked.

"I'm pretty good I guess. How are you?" I asked in response.

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