89. Spooky Valentine

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1 Week and 2 Days Later - Feb. 14

Frances - 37 Weeks

Britt - 32 Weeks

"This place looks amazing," Frances said as she walked into the house.

"I so owe Chantal, Abreea and Lindsey for coming and setting up," I said back.We decided to go with a Halloween theme for the shower cause Frances and I both love Halloween. Lindsey, Abreea, and Chantal had come over first thing in the morning to decorate the living room and entrance way.

"I love it and thank you for agreeing to do a joint Halloween baby shower with me," Frances said as we walked into the kitchen where Dave was with the kids.

"It's fine. I love Halloween too and I really don't need another shower to myself. This is all about you," I replied as I walked over to the table.

"Aunt bean," Eric said when he saw Frances. He got off Dave's lap and ran over to her.

"Hey buggy. What you guys doing?" Frances asked him as we sat at the table.

"Coloring," Eric replied as he reached over to were Dave was and grabbed the paper he had been coloring on. "See. It pretty."

"Very pretty. Hey Dave," Frances said and he looked up from his phone.

"Hey Frances. Excited for today?" he asked as he went back to looking at his phone.

"You bet. I just hope my mom is as good as she was at Abby's. Hey Kurt and Meredith. Where's the girls?" Frances asked. Kurt looked up and smiled at her while Meredith waved.

"They're in school. Jordyn wouldn't let me pull them out for the day," Dave replied as Meredith stopped coloring and poked him. He looked up and she handed him the picture. "It's a master piece. We should get mommy to put it on the fridge."

"Mommy can we please?" Meredith asked as Dave showed me the picture.

"Of course. Everything goes on the fridge in this house," I replied as Chantal walked into the kitchen.

"We fixed the cobweb situation and yes Dave we'll clean it all up after. Frances you're early," Chantal said.

"Scotty had to go pick up his mom and sister at the airport," Frances said. Kurt tugged on my arm and I looked at him. He showed me his picture and I smiled at him. I took the picture, stood up, grabbed Meredith's picture and put them both on the fridge.

"Hey guys let's go have a dance with Chantie party in the living room while we wait for people," Chantal said and all three kids ran off into the living room with her. Frances followed them so she could go see Lynz and Abreea. I walked back over to Dave and put my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder.

"What you reading?" I asked in between kisses to his neck.

"Just some emails. Hunter sent me an email about Peace Punk," Dave replied as he put his phone down and turned sideways in the chair. He patted his knee and I sat down.

"What about them? Is something wrong?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Not really. He wants to quit cause it's not the same anymore. Tyler fucking called me last night and asked me to talk to you about going back," Dave replied. I got up and sat down in the chair beside him. I sat there and just looked at the table.

"Babe are you ok?" Dave asked after I finally looked up at him.

"I don't know if I can do that again. I know I have nothing going on once the baby comes out but they're all still partying and doing drugs. I don't want myself or the kids around that," I replied. Dave looked at me before he leaned over and put a hand on my knee.

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