58. We're Having Another Baby

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3 Weeks Later

Tyler, Kyle, Gavin, Garrett, Hunter and Myself where all back in the rehearsal space working on the new songs Tyler and I had written together over the past few weeks. Tyler wrote the music while I wrote the words. Most of the songs where either about Kevin or Dave. There was one I really liked that Tyler had help me out on the chorus with. It was about my kids. I looked at my watch as we finished a song.

"Guys I gotta go. I have a doctors appointment," I said as I walked over to the couch to grab my purse.

"You coming tomorrow?" Tyler asked. I turned to look at him as I pulled my phone out of my purse.

"I'll ask Dave if we can work from the house tomorrow. Use the studio downstairs and get the demos ready. Maybe he'll stay home and help. I gotta go though. I'll text the group chat later ater I ask Dave," I said as I headed towards the door.

I walked out of the rehearsal space and headed towards where I parked the car. Once I got around the side of the first building, I saw paparazzi across the street. I couldn't go anywhere now without being followed. I got into my car and called Dave.

"Hey beautiful. I'm on my way to the doctors," He said when he answered.

"I'm just about to leave. I might be late if I can't shake the paparazzi," I said as I grabbed my keys out of my purse.

"Go to a store and buy something and then while they're surrounding the car tog et you as you come out, speed off to come here. Make a bunch of crafty turns. If I get there before you I'll explain to Dr. Ying what happened," Dave said as I started the car. My Sharona was playing on the radio.

"Thanks baby. I'll see you soon," I said before I hung up. I backed out and headed towards the doctors office. I really didn't care if they knew I was going to the doctor. I was married to Dave now so they couldn't really do any worse damage then homewrecker anymore. I pulled into the doctors parking lot shortly before Dave. I was getting out of the car as he was pulling in. I walked over to the Falcon as Dave got out.

"I thought you where gonna ditch them," He said as he put an arm around me and we headed towards the doctors office.

"I decided I didn't give a shit anymore. We're married and they can't do any worse then homewrecker now," I replied as we got to the door.

"There's the spit fire I married," Dave said as he opened the door for me.

"They come with this life and I kinda dove head first into it. I gotta go do Jimmy Fallon next week too. I just remembered that. Random blurting," I said as we headed to the front desk.

"Atleast you told me. You forget to tell me alot these days," Dave replied as the receptionist came back from the back somewhere.

"Hi there. Do you have an appointment?" The lady asked.

"Brittany Lane for Dr. Ying at 2:45," I replied. She checked the computer and went into the back. She came out a door on the side and motioned us over. We followed her to a patient room.

"Please remove your pants and underwear and lay down on the table and cover yourself with this," the lady said as she handed me a paper sheet. Once she left I did what she told me to do. Once I was on the table, Dave covered me and sat down on the stool on the side of me that didn't have the machine.

"I hope the test was right," he said as he grabbed my hand. I gave his a squeeze as Dr. Ying came in.

"Hello again Brittany and Dave. Congratulations on getting married. How are Kurt and Meredith?" she asked as she sat down on the stool in front of the machine.

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