64. Alone + Easy Target

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2 Months Later - April 13

"Kurt stop pulling on my shorts please. Mommy needs to get Meredith and you ready for daddy to come get you," I said to Kurt as I finished putting on Meredith's dress.

I put her down on the floor and let her walk to the living room. I picked Kurt up and headed to the living room. Meredith was watching the tv when I walked in. I had put on Robin Hood before I got them dressed. Kurt joined Meredith on the floor and watched the movie while I headed to my bedroom. I had moved out of mine and Dave's house with the kids after yet another fight shortly after we came home from Virginia. We were still going to therapy but I refused to go home. I didn't want to fight and argue anymore. I put on a long maxi dress and headed back to the living room to sit with the kids. I just sat down when the door bell rang. I got back up to get the door. I opened it and saw Dave.

"Hey Britt," Dave said as we stood there.

"They're in the living room," I said and stepped aside to let him in. He walked in and stood by the door as I closed it.

"I like what you've done with this place," Dave said as we walked to the living room.

"I did what I could," I replied as I sat down on the couch while the twins stayed focussed on the movie. Dave sat down beside me on the couch.

"I wish you would come home. I'm sorry I keep snapping at you. I want you, Kurt, Meredith and little Eric home with me. I hate doing this" Dave said as I kept my eyes on the tv.

"I know you do. I just don't feel safe. I know you don't want to hear that but it's the truth. I hate saying it because of the look your're giving me but we need to be honest and open," I replied as I looked at him.

"If you're doing it then I need to as well. I feel like I've had to do everything for so long with the kids and now you're back and I get frustrated when you try to do something but can't. I get frustrated when you get frustrated because you don't know all the little things the twins picked up while you were asleep," Dave said as we continued to look at each other.

"I know I get frustrated but you gotta understand I need time to learn these things. I missed alot and whether you want to admit it or not, it does matter," I said as I looked at the twins quickly. They where laying down with their heads on their pillows, watching the movie happily.

"I get that now. You've been gone almost two months with the twins. I miss you. The house isn't the same without you three," Dave said as I looked back at him.

"Dave over the past 6 weeks, I've bonded with them and I've been on my own for the first time. I've grown up a bit and I just want more time to be with them. You got 3 months with them and I didn't," I said as I started getting teary eyes. I stood up and headed tot he kitchen. I opened the fridge and looked inside as the tears started falling. I heard Dave come into the kitchen so I grabbed a bottle of apple juice and closed the door.

"Britt come here," Dave said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into him for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and started crying even harder. He rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head as he held me.

"I missed this," I said through sniffles.

"I know. We can work on it," Dave replied. I looked up at him as he looked down at me. Before I realised what we was going on, his lips where on mine. I moved my hands up to his neck as he moved his hands down to my ass and grabbed it. I pushed away from him and looked at him.

"The kids are in the living room," I said as I walked backwards towards the table. I bumped into and stopped.

"They where asleep when we came in here. We don't have to go all the way but you and I both know we could go for a good make out session. We'll put the twins in their beds for a nap while we watch a movie on the couch. You can stop it at any time," Dave replied as he put his hands on my hips.

"Just put their blankets on them and we can go to my room if you want," I said as he started leaning into me again.

"Where is your room?" he asked before he kissed my neck. My skin tingled where he kissed me. I missed that.

"Beside their room down that hall," I replied.

Dave grabbed my hand and lead me down the hallway into my room. When we got there he ley go of my hand and went over to my nightstand. He picked up the picture I had on it.

"The girls miss you," Dave said as he looked at the picture. It was a picture of me, him, the girls and the twins. I sat down on the end of the bed as the baby started kicking.

"I miss them too. How are they doing?" I asked as I rubbed my belly.

"They're good," he replied as he put the picture down and looked around the room. He looked at a picture by the door of me and him.

"That's good. The baby is kicking," I responded. He came and sat down beside me and put his hand on my belly. I moved it to where the baby was kicking and he smiled as the baby kicked.

"I missed this," he said as he started rubbing my belly. I laid back on the bed as he did it. I felt him lift up my dress to above my belly and he started kissing it. I closed my eyes and just let him do whatever he wanted. He kissed ever inch of my belly.

"Baby if you don't stop I'm gonna end up jumping you," I said with a slight giggle. Dave stopped and laid down beside me and we looked at each other.

"I wouldn't mind that but I'll stop," He said as he started putting my dress back down. I grabbed his hand as it was half way over my belly.

"I don't want you to stop," I said as he looked at me.

Dave leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hand let go of my dress, moved down my belly and put his hand into my panties. I let out a small moan as he slid a finger inside me. He started kissing down my neck and belly. He kissed along the top of my panties before pulling them off of me. He put his face between my legs and kissed my inner thighs, making me squirm each time. He gently bit my thigh causing me to jump a bit before he started sucking on my clit. I grabbed a pillow as he started doing one of the many things he did best. I put the pillow under my head as Dave stood up, closed the door, took his pants off and came back to me. He gripped my hips as he slid into me and I let out a loud moan as he started thrusting in and out of me slowly at first. I aksed him to faster and he did. He also started going harder which felt amazing. I was trying so hard not to let out a scream as he stilled inside me. I laid there breathing heavily as he laid down beside me.

"That was...." He started but was breathing heavy as well and couldn't finidh.

"Amazing?" I asked. It was for me.

"Exactly the word I was gonna say," He said as he leaned in and kissed me.

"Do you maybe wanna stay here tonight?" I asked as we both got up and got dressed.

"I'd love to," He said as he walked over to me with his jeans still undone. He pulled me in for a kiss as I heard Kurt and Meredith both say mama.

"Lets go be parents," I said as he did up his pants.

"First I need to do something," he said and pulled me in for a kiss that was full of love and passion.When he pulled away, he looked into ym eyes and said, "I love you."

"I love you too," I said in response and we headed out to spend the day, together, with our kids.

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