14. You're Gonna Be Stars!

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We pulled up outside the rehearsal space and I saw Taylor standing by a car. I got out and told Tyler I'd be there in a bit because I needed to talk to Taylor. Tyler nodded and headed to space 8. I walked over to Taylor.

"Hey best friend. Come here," Taylor said with his arms open. I went right in for the hug. "I'm sorry about your friend. Dave told me. So what's up?" he asked as I pulled away.

"This whole Dave thing has me just going kinda nuts," I said as I walked over to the curb and sat down. Taylor joined me.

"I know. You guys are moving fucking fast. I say just slow the fuck down a bit and relax. Enjoy each other company and get to know one another. Things will work out in the long run," Taylor said. "I'm not gonna lie. There's something there between you guys. The way he looks at you though, he's never looked at Jordyn like that."

"Really?" I asked.

"Really. Just take things as slow as you can. Now go to rehearsals before Dave comes out looking for me and sees you." We both stood up and hugged. We walked together until I had to go around the side of the building. I walked to space 8 thinking about what Taylor said. He really was like my best friend. I opened the door and walked in.

"Well hey there little lady," Kyle said.

"Let's get to work," Gavin said.

"Well hey wait we gotta tell her what just happened," Garrett spoke up.

"We got a call from someone you may have heard of and he wants to help us do a demo," Kevin said as he sat behind his drum set.

"Who?" I asked.

"Butch Vig," Tyler said.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed. I started jumping up and down.

"I knew she would be excited," Garret said with a small laugh.

"I kinda like her jumping up and down," Gavin said as he bit his lip. I stopped jumping and glared at him.

"He's gonna stop by and hear us perform. I thoguht maybe we could do the songs we did yesterday for your audition. That would be Celebrity Skin, Heart Shaped Box and Learn To Fly. You cool with that? You don't really know our songs yet so we thought it'd be safe bet. Unless you're comfortable enough to do the song we where working on yesterday as well?" Tyler said.

"Ya let's do them all. Can we run through your song though before he gets here?" I asked.

"Ya we can. Guys let's do Gonna Regret This,"Tyler said and counted off. "2, 3, 4....."

We ran through the song and as we finished, weheard laughter outside the door. I knew one of those laughs. I would always know that laugh. Butch Vig and the Foo Fighters walked through the door just then.

"We saw Butch while taking a break and he told us he was here to see you guys," Chris said as he sat down on the couch. Nate and Pat joined him. Butch stood over by Dave and Taylor.

"So we decided to come and see how good Brittany is sicne someone can't shut the fuck up about her," Pat said and winked at me. I blushed.

"Ok well Hello Mr. Vig. Thankyou for coming and seeing us. We're gonna do 4 songs for you. We're gonna do Celebrity Skin by Hole, Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana and then an orginal called Gonna Regret This," Tyler said.

"Then we'll wrap up with a song that I auditioned with yesterday. It also happened to be a dear friend of mines favorite song. I think you'll all know it. It's called Learn To Fly by this kinda awesome band called the Foo Fighters," I said with a small laugh. Everyone laughed as well.

"Hey wait a minute. Where the hell are our manners. Let us introduce ourselves first. I'm Tyler Smith and I'm the Lead Guitarist and I sing sometimes,"Tyler said.

"I'm Kevin Smith. Not to be confused with Silent Bob. I'm the actual drummer and back up singer."

"I'm Gavin Jackson and I'm the bass player."

"Garrett Mitchell and I'm the second guitar player."

"Hey there. I'm Kyle McDonald. I am back up singer, guitar player and until Kevin there is 21, I play the shows. I taught the kid everything he knows and why he is the OG drummer."

"And I'm Brittany. All I do is sing and attempt to dance around. Together we are Peace Punk and we hope you enjoy the songs. I apologize for starting off with this," I said and counted in Celebrity Skin.

"Oh make me over......."

"No I'm not selling cheap!" I sang as the song ended. Tyler then started right into Heart-Shaped Box.

"She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak......."

"Your advice.......... Your advice......Your advice." We then went straight into Gonna Regret This."

"Oh you walked away, walked away, walked away from your dream and I know you're gonna regret this one day............"

"You're gonna regret this one day and by then it'll be far too late."

"Thanks again for coming down to see us. This is our final song for the night." Tyler said and started Learn To Fly.

"Run and tell all of the angels, this could take all night. Think I need a devil to help me get things right......."

"Make my way back home when I learnt o fly. Make my way back home when I lean to..." I finsihed and turned around to face Kevin. I didn't want to look out at the guys watching. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Tyler.

"Butch is coming over," he whispered and I turned around.

"You're gonna be stars if I have anything todo with it. We're not ust doing a demo.We're gonna do a record," Butch said.

"We need a label to sign us for that to happen first," Tyler said.

"Well you got two options there. Either form your own label and find someone to send it out to stores like Dave did when he started or you can go talk to Dave and he'll put you on his," Butch said.

Tyler walked over and talked to Dave. Chris and Pat came over to me.

"Damn girl you gave Dave a run for his money on Learn To Fly," Pat said and hugged me quickly.

"That was amazing. He said you where good but damn," Chris smirked.

"My head is spinning. I can't believe this," I said with a huge smile on my face as Nate and Taylor walked over to me. The rest of the guys walked up behind me and we all watched Dave and Tyler talk with Butch. Taylor grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Dave motioned for me to come over. I tried backing away but Taylor and Kevin gave me a slight push. I walked over to them.

"So Dave and Tyler decided that Dave is gonna put you guys on his label. You own all rights to your stuff. Dave will help you get the album out to stores and pretty much do what labels do," Butch said. I looked between Tyler and Dave and just smiled as a response.

"I think that means she's happy and ok with this. I'm gonna go tell the guys," Tyler chuckled as he walked away.

"I wanted you to come over here so we could possibly discuss doing a duet," Dave said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I really liked Learn To Fly. You did amazing. Dave agrees and he suggested making it a duet. It would be used as a single to promote both Peace Punk first album and the Foo Fighters next album. Who knows maybe a tour can come out of this. That all depends on you guys making Learn To Fly an amazing duet together," Butch said.

"Me and Dave sing Learn To Fly together?" I asked.

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