8. Big Me To Talk About It...

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I walked into the house and leaned up against the counter. I cover my lips with my hand. I was in complete shock. I was a home wrecker. I knew I shouldn't have been left alone with him. I knew I should have said something to Hunter. Why didn't I stop it when it started?

As I was standing there, Taylor walked in to get a beer.

"Woah are you ok?" He asked when he saw the look on my face.

"If I tell you, you can't say anything to anyone," I responded.

"I won't. What's wrong?" he asked.

"Not here. Bedroom?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"This way," he said as he headed towards a bedroom.

He opened a door down the hall and I walked in as he held it open. He closed the door behind him.

"Ok what's up? You look like someone either killed your puppy or you killed the puppy yourself," Taylor said.

"Someone kissed me," I said softly.

"Who?" He asked me in complete shock. "Wait everyone was inside except you and........" he trailed off.

"OH MY GOD!" he shouted.

"Keep it down. I didn't make the first move. He kissed me. Yes, I kissed back but I pushed him away once I realized what was happening," I exclaimed.

"Wow I have to talk to him,"Taylor said as he put his hand on the door knob.

"No," I said as I grabbed his arm. "You can't. Please. Pinky promise me right now that you won't talk to him about it or tell him I told you," I said as I held out my right pinky figner to him.

"Okay fine but if he tells me, I'm going to talk about it with him. I'lla ct liek you didn't tell em anything. Deal?" He said with his pinky finger out, ready to join it with mine.


He wrapped his finger around mine and we shook our hands while making a pinky promise.

"You go back on that and I will kick you in the balls,' I said as he opened the door.

"Fine with me,' Taylor said with a chuckle as we walked back towards the kitchen. As we got closer to the kitchen I heard Dave and Pat talking.

"Where did you guys come from?" Pat asked.

"It's a best friend thing. Doesn't concern you," Taylor said as he walked back to the fridge to grab the beer he orginally came in for.

"So are you ahving a good night so far Brittany?" Pat asked me.

"Ya so far so good," I responded.I looked at Dave and when he looked at me I tooka huge swig of my drink. "I'm gonna go find Frances," I said and walked out of the kitchen to where everyone else was. Frances was sitting in the dining room at the table with Lynz. I walked over and sat down at the table.

"There she is. We were just talking about you," Lynz said as I was sitting down.

"What about me?" I asked.

"Well I'm getting the fuck out of that house and letting Isaiah have it. I'm not gonna do anything that could potentially hurt his daughter.She has a room there and he can have it. I was thinking of finding a new place and seeing if you wanted to be my room mate,"Frances said, looking at me.

"I'd love that. There's just one thing," I responded.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Hunter doesn't want to stay at home. I told him I would let him stay with me because I don't want him under a bridge," I said and took a sip of my drink.

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