66. Crisis Adverted

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I woke up the next morning to my phone going off like crazy. I picked it up and looked at all the tweets and texts. I grabbed my laptop and opened it and clicked on my email. There was one from John with a copy of the statement we put out. Frances had sent me a link to TMZ. I clicked on it and read the article.

"Dave Grohl and Brittany Lane make statement involving drug use."

"Last night we recieved a statement from Foo Fighters front man Dave grohl and his wife Brittany Lane, actress and lead singer of the band Peace Punk. The statement reads "Brittany and I would like to say that Isaiah Silva is trying to sell a story saying that he sold Brittany and Kevin Smith, the late drummer of Peace Punk, heroin the night that Kevin went into a coma. Brittany has never bought or done said drug. Britany has done cocaine in the past but has been clean since she found out she was expecting the twins. Brittany also knows that Kevin wouldn't have had any contact with Isaiah as Kevin didn't like how Isaiah had treated his ex wife. I would like to ask that any media outlet out there that is approached by Isaiah with this story to say no and not give him what he wants. He is also asking Frances Cobain for money as well as us. Please don't print anything false and untrue. My wife and I thank you." We where contacted by Mr. Silva and turned him down. Brittany and Dave have been nothing polite to us when we see them. We encourage all other media outlets to do the same."

The article went on but I didn't care. Most of the tweets where fans saying how disgusting Isaiah was or how terrible this was. A few people had said I was probably lying and that I was a huge addict. One tweet said I sucked a different dick every night to get the drugs I wanted. Another one said I did meth. I decided to post to instagram and twitter.

"@Brittle_Bear: Concerning the story TMZ ran, the only drug I use is marijuana for my panic attacks and aniexty.

@Brittle_Bear: I haven't touched any drugs during both my pregnancies and I tend to keep it that way."

I took my phone into the bahtroom with me and took a bump picture. I posted it to my personal non private account. I put the caption as "2 1/2 weeks to go! I'm so over this feeling already. #34weeks #2weeksleft" I put my phone down, took my pjs off and got into the shower. Once I was done, I headed to my cloest and found a loose tank top and a long skirt. Dave was still passed out so I headed downstairs with my phone and laptop and into the kitchen. I reopened my laptop started playing music as I heard bumps on the stairs. I knew it was the twins sliding down. Underground by David Bowie started playing as they both ran into the kitchen as I pulled out a box of ceral. Bowie came in and sat in his little corner of the kitchen as I grabbed bowls and milk for us. They danced around me as I made their bowls up and went to the table with them. I put them each in a chair and they started eating. I was pouring my own bowl when I got an email. I got a message from Frances.

"Dude there's a weird story about you. Nothing to do with Isaiah or drugs. Here's a link."

"Thanks I'll check it out. Love ya sis!" I replied. as I headed to the table with my bowl and laptop. I sat down and clicked the link. I opened my mouth in shock as I looked at the headline.

"Is Brittany Lane throwing away her chance to be a single girl?"

I sat there reading the article that pretty much said I was wasting my time having baby after babies instead of out doing shots and fucking random guys. My favorite line was "She married a rockstar so she can sit on her ass and have kids." My band had technically two albums that been released. We had released an album of 7 songs that we had finished before Kevin passed away. We had called it simply Kevin. We were working on the next one but the wedding and the car accident and now the baby was kind of in the way. I was gonna start doing some work for the solo album I had told Dave about today. I was going to see if Frances and Abby wanted to help me with it. Abby was a fucking amazing drummer and guitar player and Frances had the voice of an angel, like her dad. I was also gonna ask Nate, Chris, Pat, Taylor, Tyler, Kyle, Gavin, Garrett and Hunter for help too. I also wanted to ask a few other people to help. I also had a few audtions before I had the car accident. I probably didn't get them but who knows.

"Good morning," Dave said as he came into the kitchen to make coffee just as I Wanna Meet Dave Grohl by Wavves started playing. I couldn't help but laugh and he looked over at me. I put my hand up as in to say just wait for it. He started laughing when he heard the line I wanna meet Dave Grohl.

"Good morning. I'm so glad I got to meet you. I got 3 beautiful babies now because of it," I said with a smile as he came over to the table and leaned down to look at me.

"I'm glad you followed the sound of the drumming and walked into the wrong rehearsal space. So what are you gonna do today?" He asked after he kissed me.

"I was thinking maybe finding out whatever happened with those auditions. I may not have gotten them but it would still be nice to know. I might ask Abby and Frances if they want to help with the solo thingy I was talking about. Maybe even asking Krist and say the rest of ours bands," I said as he gave me a weird look.

"I wouldn't ask about your auditions yet,' he replied as the coffee finished.

"Why not?" I asked. He knew something.

"Ok look. You got one of them but then you didn't wake up and they recast you," Dave said as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Which one was it? Movie or tv?" I asked as he also made a bowl of ceral for himself and came to the table.

"Tv. I believe it was the Grey's spin off," he replied giving me a sad look. He didn't want to say it but he had to.

"Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now. Best stick to the kids and the albums right now anyways. The documentary comes out soon and I forgot about the show. I gotta be working for the show to film though," I said thinking out loud as I started going through my songs. I unintentionally stopped it on a Probot song and Dave looked up from his bowl at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Shit sorry," I said and changed it to Trouble by Shampoo.

"You surprise me every single day," He said before taking a sip of coffee.

"That's why my hair is so big. It's full of secrets," I smiled at him.

"If you just quoted a movie, I have no idea which one it was," He replied as he ate some ceral.

"We are so watching Mean Girls one day," I said as I got a skype call from Abby.

"Yo what's up?" I asked after I paused my music and answered the call.

"I'm so bored. Can I come over and hang out when Dave goes to the studio?" she asked.

"Ya sure. There's something I want to ask you when you get here. Come whenever you want," I said.

"Ok I'll see you in an hour," Abby said before she hung up.

"Do you want me to ask the guy when we're at 606 today?" Dave asked as he finished his ceral and stood up to put the bowl in the sink.

"Yes please. Tell them they don't have to but I would love them even if they did only one song," I replied as he grabbed his cup and started heading upstairs.

He waved to say he got it as he left the kitchen and the twins followed him. I looked at my empty bowl and decided to do the dishes before Dave brought them back dressed. I felt a small pain at the base of my belly as I finished the dishes. I moved into the living room and settled down on the couch and started looking through my music for songs. I heard the twins bumping down the stairs again and got up to open the gate Dave closed. Kurt ran in being chased by Meredith and when she caught him they both fell to the floor laughing. I closed the gate and went back to the couch as they started spinning around in circles. I put my music back and they started dancing. Dave came down eventually and came into the living room. He kissed and hugged the twins goodbye before coming over the the couch. He leaned over the back and pulled me back towards him.

"We still on for our lunch date today?" he asked as he massaged my shoulders.

"I wouldn't cancel on you even if Channing Tatum asked me to," I replied.

"Good. I'll see you later then beautiful. Bye," he said and kissed my cheek.

"Bye. I love you. Oh can you elt Abby in?" I asked as the doorbell rang.

"I love you too," Dave replied as he left the living room.

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