4. Goodbye Earl...I Mean Isaiah

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I woke up the next day to a slight headache, my phone ringing somewhere and muffled yelling. I looked around and noticed I was in a bedroom. I remembered going home with Frances after she and Isaiah got into a fight over him flirting with another girl. According to the tipsy ride home in cab, this hadn't been the first time Frances had caught Isaiah flirting with other girls. She told me about the time she caught him giving some girl his number, which he said had been for singing lessons, when we stopped off at a liquor store for more mike's hard black cherry lemonade. When we got to her house she told me about the time she caught him on the phone talking to some girl about her dad. When we got inside Frances's house, I stumpled over to a couch and sat down. On the table beside the couch I noticed a picture of Kurt and Frances. I looked away as not to draw attention to the fact that I had seen it. I didn't move quick enough though.

"You're a fan of my dad's aren't you?" Frances asked as she came and sat down beside me with the alcohol.

"Yes," I had responded, looking at her.

"I thought so. I saw your tattoo earlier today. I just wanted to ask and get it out in the open," Frances had said as she grabbed a bottle, opened it and handed it to me before doing it again for herself.

"Here's to the beginning of a new friendship," Frances had said as she raised her bottle.

"Cheers," I had responded as we clinked bottles.

I heard a door slam in the present and refocussed on the fact I was awake and not dreaming.

"No time for flashbacks Britt," I thought to myself.

I got up off the bed and headed for my phone on the dresser across from the bed. I picked it up and turned around to lean on the dresser. I unlocked my phone and went through my messages. Hunter had messaged me 14 times asking if I was still picking him up at the airport later today. I messaged him back a quick yes before looking up. I noticed the painting on the wall. Frances had shown me all her art the night before while we where drunk off our asses.

"She didn't show me this one," I thought.

I put my skirt back on and went out into the hall. I followed it along to the kitchen. I saw Frances sitting at the kitchen table with a cup in front of her. She looked like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders.

"Everything ok?" I asked walking into the kitchen and leaning up against the counter.

"Not really. I kicked Isaiah out this morning. He never came home last night. Then when he did come home I heard him talking on the phone about my dad and his money again and I just got pissed off and told him to get the fuck out," Frances responded. I walked over to the table and sat beside her. I put my arm around gher and put my head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry that men are assholes. Do you want me to kick his ass?" I asked.

Frances laughed. "Not all men but most of them and if you do kick his ass, get Lynz to help."

"Will do. So when should we go to the band rehearsals? I have to pick up my friend Hunter afterwards and I want to be there when his plane lands," I asked standing up to get some of the coffee I saw in the coffee pot.

"Well I'll go get dressed. You drink that and grab your stuff then we'll head over the hotel so you can change before you rock their asses," she responded as she stood up and put her cup in the sink. She walked out of the kitchen and disappeared to get dressed.

I looked out the kitchen window and took a sip of the coffee I had poured. Today was the day I would actually try singing with a live band. I hoped I wouldn't be laughed at as I took another sip of coffee. Today I see if I got what it takes!

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