3. Meeting The Guys

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We walked into the house and everyone was drinking and smoking. I looked to my right as we walked past a room and I saw a few people smoking from a bong. As we walked into the very large living room where the band had set up, I could hear someone doing a line. Frances walked up to who I assumed was Isaiah and kissed him.

"Sugar this is Brittany," Frances said and pointed towards me.

"Hey I'm isaiah. Nice to meet you. Frances says you're here to be in a movie right?" he asked.

"Ya but it's not my true passion. I really like music and want to get into that," I responded.

"Hey babe you should introduce her to Tyler. Maybe they'll hit it off. I gotta finish getting ready but I'll see you during the first break."

Isaiah kissed Frances on the cheek before walking away to where his guitar case was.

"Let's find Tyler. He has a band but their lead singer just quit because she found out she was pregnant. She would rather be a mom than record and possibly tour," Frances spoke as we walked through the house to the kitchen.

We walked into the kitchen and there was a grooup of 4 guys sitting at the table. Frances grabbed two Mike's hard black cherry lemonades from a ice bucket on the counter and she handed me one before walking over to the table.

"We're fucked dude. She left us in the fucking lurch," said one of the guys who was wearing a ratty old Guns N' Roses tshirt and ripped jeans.

"Hey guys," Frances said as she sat down.

"Hey Frances. Whose your friend? She's kinda cute," asked a guy wearing a Foo Fighters shirt and shorts.

"Well Tyler, I'm glad you asked. This is Brittany and she may just be your saving grace."

"What do you mean she's our saving grace?" Tyler asked.

"She really likes music and wants to get into it. That dumb bitch Marcie just left you guys to be a mom instead of following her dreams."

"Can she play any instruments?" asked a guy wearing a backwards hat, a tank top and ripped jeans.

"She can speak Gavin. I don't have to speak for her," Frances said in a bitchy tone, before taking a sip of her drink.

"No but I want to learn the drums eventually. I can kind of sing. I do alot of karaoke back home. Does that answer your question Gavin?" I asked with the same hint of a tone as Frances had used.

"The girl has some spunk. I guess we can give her a try. I'm Tyler, I write the songs and music and play lead guitar. That's Gavin and he plays bass. That dude is Garrett and he plays guitar and does background vocals," Tyler said while pointing to the guy in the Guns N' Roses t-shirt.

"I'm Kyle and I do backup vocals and until Kevin over there turns 21 I'm the "touring" drummer for when a show is 21 and over," a man wearing a denim vest with patches all over it and jeans said as he stuck out his hand for me to shake it, which I did.

"This here is my little brother Kevin," Tyler said as he pointed to the boy I was sitting next to. Kyle was also wearing a Nirvana shirt and jeans. "He's our orginal drummer but until he turns 21, we're keeping him out of the clubs."

"It's nice to meet you all," I responded looking at each one of them.

"Oh the band's ready, let's go Brit," Frances spoke as she stood up and turned to walk away. "See you boys later."

I stood up and started following Frances to the living room when Tyler grabbed my arm.

"Hey we have a rehersal tomorrow afternoon. If, you're not busy, you should stop by and we can give you a try out. If you want that is."

"That sounds great. I don't know my way around so I'd get lost. Does Frances know where it is?" I asked.

"Yes. The Eeries rehearse in the same building. I'm sure she'll help you get down there," Tyler spoke with a nervous smile.

"Ok sounds good. See you tomorrow," I said before turning around and walking back to the living room.

I walked into the living room and saw Frances sitting on the couch on the side of the make shift stage. I walked over to the couch and sat down beside her.

"They want me to go to their rehersals tomorrow. Tyler said you knwo where that is. Would you mind taking me?" I asked Frances.

"He invited you to rehersals? Oh my god! Yes I can take you! I'm so happy for you," she responded before hugging me.

"I feel like this is the start to an amazing new adventure and I couldn't be happier," I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Cheers to that," Frances screamed just as the band started playing.

We clinked our drinks together and chugged them down and partied the night away.

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