56. Unwrapping

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2 Weeks Later

We arrived home and Dave opened the door. He put down the suitcases and walked over to me. He picked me up and carried me over the threshold. He put me down on the other side and grabbed the suitcases. I headed to the living room where all the gifts were. Dave headed to the laundry room with our suitcases. I sat down on the couch and was shocked with the amount of gifts.

"Holy crap. I thought we didn't register," Dave said as he came into the living room.

"We didn't but people still brought us gifts. Probably things they thought we would like," I replied as he sat down beside me

"I don't understand why they're in groups," Dave said as he looked around the living room. I looked at the coffee table and saw a note. I picked up and read it out loud.

"Britt and Dave, I organized the gifts so you knew whose side they came from. Starting from the wall to your left is Dave's side of the wedding, then it's Brittany's side, then family gifts in the middle, then you have grooms men gifts and brides amids gifts and the far right is gifts from the girls and twins. Hope you guys enjoyed your honeymoon. I'll bring your little angels back in the afternoon. We've had a great time with them. I can't wait to give you hugs and kisses and to hear all the non sexual details. Love Frances," I read. I put the note back ont he coffee table as Dave went over to his side and picked a random gift.

"This one is from Paul," he said as he came back and sat down. I took the card off and read it as Dave opened the gift. He pulled out a framed record of Yellow Submarine.

"Dave Congratulations mate! Here's a little something for Brittany. I heard it was her favorite song. Your friend Paul," I read out loud. "It is my favorite song."

"Go pick one from your side," Dave said as I put the card beside me. I stood up and walked over. I picked up a box that said Aaron on it and walked back to the couhc. Dave took the card and read it before I opened the gift.

"Britt and Dave, This is a special gift from me. Britt I know you like Friends so I thought this would make a great gift for you. Dave, I got you something too. Enjoy you guys. Congrats Aaron," Dave said. I opened the gift and took out two wrapped gifts. I handed one to Dave and we both unwrapped them together.

"Oh my god I'm so messaging Karli and being like Aaron is awesome," I said as I looked at the purse with the group of friends on it.

"Aaron si my new favorite person," Dave said as I looked and saw he had a bottle of crown in his hands.

We continued opening the gifts from our sides. After that we moved onto the gifts from our family members. His mom gave us a photo album of all the pictures used in wedding video. My dad and step mom Judith had given us my dad's disney and elvis plate collections. We moved onto the gifts from the kids. Violet had gotten us a cute little knick knack of a bride and groom kissing. Harper gave us mickey and minnie coffee mugs. Ophelia gave us his and her towels. Meredith and Kurt had gven us two teddy bears whose noses stuck together with a magnet and it looked like they where kissing.

"I wonder who went out to get these to say they where from Kurt and Meredith," I said outloud.

"I think Frances told me Courtney did," Dave replied as he pulled the bears apart.

"Now they're not kissing," I said in mock horror.

"Well here," he put the bears back togehter," there I fixed it."

"Dork," I replied as he stood up to pick another one from the last of the gifts which where all from the wedding party.

"You love it," Dave said as he picked up a gift.

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