99. Need Some Love

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21 Weeks and 4 Days - February 14th

I woke up alone and smiled as I looked out the window of my hotel room. Dave had insisted I get a hotel room for the night before the wedding. He said he wanted me well rested and relaxed for our second wedding night. Even though we were having both the vow renewal and the reception at our house, we were going to be staying the rest of the week and weekend in the hotel room as our "honeymoon." The kids were being watched by Violet, Harper along with Jimmy and Chantal just so that there were grown ups there. I ordered room service and had a quiet morning breakfast. I missed this but I also wouldn't give up any of my mornings with my kids. I got a text from Dave after breakfast that just simply said I miss you. I texted him back that I missed him too and couldn't wait to see him in a few hours. I then got a massage and after that Abreea came over to do my hair. She told me not to worry and to let her do her thing. I loved what she did. We then headed over to Frances' house to get dressed for the day. When we walked in, we could hear arguing coming from upstairs. We headed into the kitchen where all the girls were. I hugged both my girls and Abby when the front door slammed shut and Frances walked in with Lydia.

"So I just got dumped. Apparently it's too much for him," Frances said. Chantal took Lydia and Lindsey and I took Frances outside for a smoke and to talk.

"What's too much for him?" Lindsey asked and Frances just looked at her.

"Being her dad. I love Lydia to death and I know he does but he said it's too much pressure being the father of the only grand," Frances stopped and just put her head in her hands. We both seemed to understand what she was trying to say.

"You know what, fuck him. If he can't handle this life then fuck it. He may be my friend but he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing," I said as Lindsey rubbed her back. Frances sat up and looked at me.

"Look at me. I'm crying and today is suppose to be your day," she said and wiped her eyes.

"Oh don't worry about it. I already had this day once before. I'm here for you right now and that's all that matters," I replied.

Frances put her head on my shoulder and I put mine on hers. I owed this woman for so much. She truly was like the sister I never had. I was far from an only child but I was the baby until my dad married Judith and my older siblings where all moved out when I came along. I grew up the way of an only child even though I wasn't. We headed back inside when Violet, Harper and Ophelia showed up and Abreea continued doing our hair. Gloria showed up an hour before we had to leave with the dresses. Priscilla looked adorable in her dress that Gloria had made her and Meredith and Ophelia matched perfectly with their older sisters, Abby and Frances. When we where about to leave, I freaked out and ran upstairs. I knew I was being stupid but I was still nervous. Abby came upstairs and sat beside me on Frances' bed.

"Everything ok?" she asked.

"Ya just got some nerves. Not about renewing our vows but just stupid little small things. I don't want to trip or rip my dress. What if one of the kids has a melt down while we're up there. What if he changes his mind. What if Frances started crying. I mean anything is possible," I replied.

"Dave is not going to change his mind. You guys always fix your issues. You may pull away from each other but you always come back together. You guys have gone through hell and back and you're both stronger for it. You guys have worked through everything and still are. You also have some pretty great kids queen b. Also don't think about the other stuff and you'll be fine. Just focus on being happy and in love with Dave today. You get all the damn PDA you want from him today. Focus on being flirty with your man and just having fun. We all have your back," Abby said. I smiled at her and then we hugged before Meredith came into the room.

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