25. With A Little Help From My Friends

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I woke up in the bed alone. I looked out the window and noticed it was dark out. I looked at my phone and it said 1:02 AM. I got out of the bed and headed to the front of the bus. Dave, Taylor and Chris where still up. They where playing poker.

"Well hey there pretty lady," Chris said when he saw me. Dave turned and looked.

"Well someone is finally up," Dave said as I walked over and sat beside Chris.

"I plugged your laptop in for you," Taylor said as he put his cards down.

"Thanks," I responded.

"Do you know how to play?" Chris asked.

"No. Sadly, I always lose my clothes when I play with Dave," I said with a giggle.

"I tried teaching you. You refuse to learn," Dave said throwing his cards down on the table. "Deal her in."

"Have you ever thought that maybe she hasn't learned because it means she doesn't waste time to get to sex," Chris said as Taylor shuffled and started dealing.

I tried hard not to smile..

"Oh you little. It's on now," Dave said as Taylor finished dealing.

5 Hands Later

"I believe that would be your underwear if we where playing strip poker Mr. Grohl," I said as he threw his cards on the table.

"Wow," was all Taylor could say.

"You got your hands full with this one. Good night guys," Chris said as he headed to his bunk.

"I should probably go too but I'm not really tired," Taylor said as he picked up the guitar that was across from him and started strumming it.

"I'm still tired. I could sleep for a damn year after all the press I did," I said and put my feet up on the bench. Dave stood up and put the cards away before sitting where the guitar had been.

"You snore when you sleep alone," Taylor said.

"Oh god. Wait when I'm alone?" I aksed.

"Ya when Dave sleeps with his arm around you, you're quiet. He rolls away and you start snoring though. Kinda funny," Taylor said with a small laugh.

"Apparently I'm not the only one whose tired," I said and nodded my head towards Dave. Taylor looked over and laughed. Dave had fallen asleep with the back of his head against the window.

"Poor guy. Want me to help get him to the bed?" Taylor asked.

"Yes please," I responded.

Taylor stood up and put the guitar down before lifting Dave up. Taylor walked Dave to the back of the bus and put him on the bed. He came back and sat down across from me again. He picked up the guitar and started playing it again.

"Everything going good with you guys?" he asked.

"Ya I guess. We had a fight that ended with me in tears cause of hormones but ya," I said as I started rubbing my belly.

"What was the fight about?" he asked.

"Oh my ex texted me and I only answered to tell him to go to hell and leave me alone and Dave got mad."

"Don't worry about it. Like I said before he looks at you like he's never looked at anyone. Your his end game. He's already thinking marriage and proposing.You didn't hear anything from me. He's waiting til after the baby though. Probably sometime when we tour again. Again, you didn't hear that from me," he said with a wink.

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