55. Introducing Mr. And Mrs. Dave Grohl

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We where done taking the pictures and were on our way to the Dream Palace Banquet Hall with Krist, Frances, Meredith and Kurt in our limo. We where slightly behind schedule but we didn't really care. We had amazing sex and we didn't care if that made us late. It was our wedding.

"I still can't believe you guys couldn't wait until after the reception," Frances said as she rolled her eyes.

"All my idea," Dave said as we pulled up outside the building.

"Shelby will have you dress ready after you guys dance. You'll be introduced and then you'll dance," Frances said as her and Krist started unbuckling the twins.

"Whose taking the twins while we're gone?" I asked.

"Jimmy, Chantal and myself," Frances replied as Krist got out of the car with Kurt and Dave.

"Ok good. If Jordyn wants to bring the girls by," I started but she cut me off.

"I will let them see them at any time. Don't worry Jordyn and I got this worked out," Frances replied as she got out of the car with Meredith. The door beside me opened and a hand was out for me to take it. I grabbed it and got out of the limo. It was Pat.

"Thanks Pat," I replied as we all stood outside.

"You're welcome Mrs. Grohl. How weird is it being called that?" Pat asked with a smile on his face.

"Like a dream come true," I replied with a small laugh.

Dave and I waited outside while everyone else walked inside. We where waiting for Hunter and Tyler to introduce us. We made them the m.c.'s for the night. We where listening to them go through the script they had come up with and I knew when they would introduce us.

"Get ready," I whispered as I heard Tyler say his last line.

"We'd like to finally introduce to everyone Mr and Mrs Dave Grohl," Hunter and Tyler said together and the doors opened in front of us.

We walked in and everyone started clapping as we walked into the middle of the dance floor. We got ready to dance and the song I picked started. Forever by Jesse and the Rippers, the wedding version. Once the song was done, Dave and I walked over to the wedding party table and he sat down while Shelby and Frances came with me to the bathroom to change into my second dress, put on my flats and take my hair out. Once I was changed we headed back out and I sat down between Frances and Dave. Hunter and Tyler went through another little script before a video of pictures of Dave and I as kids and growing up and together played to the song Tiny Dancer, the song Dave proposed to me with. After that, we ate. There's was lots of different things to choose from. I had gone with a buffet style dinner so everyone would be happy. After we ate it was time for the speeches. Taylor, Krist, Frances and Carrie would be giving speeches along with Dave and myself.

"Ok so it's that time of night where we make the bride cry with all the sappy speeches. I'd like to ask Brittany's oldest friend Carrie to come up to the mic and say a few words," Tyler said and started clapping as Carrie stood up and walked over to the mic.

"Hey. I'm Carrie. I've known Brittany since a few years after high school ended. We've been through so much together. Drug addiction, break ups, depression, but we also had good times like going to fish creek for fires, going shoppign at the mall or just hanging out and talking. I knew Brittany was a true friend when she did everything she could to try and help me before I went on my last downward spiral. I will forever be thankful for what she tried to do. Dave over the past month I have seen how youa nd Brittanya re together and you let her be herself and that's all she's ever wanted. You take amazing care of her and treat her like the ueen she is. I'm glad she found you. Brittany I'm happy you found your happy ever after and I'm glad I'm here to celebrate with you," Carrie said. I was tearing up as she walked back over to table as everyone clapped. I stood up and hugged her as Taylor stood up and walked over to the mic where Hunter was now standing. She hugged Dave as well before sitting back down.

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