30. It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To

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I woke up the next day and got ready for the day. I finished and headed to the kitchen. I made coffee and got 5 mugs out, one for each other the guys. I went through my twitter while I waited for the coffee to finish.

@alka_seltzer666: Baby shower for @Brittle_Bear today! House is ready, just waiting on guests

@Courtney: Baby shower for one of my girls today! Can't wait to see both of them today @alka_seltzer666 @Brittle_Bear

@alka_seltzer666: Can't wait mom @Courtney @Brittle_Bear

I tweeted them both back and sent my own tweet

@Brittle_Bear: @Courtney @alka_seltzer666 Can't wait to see both of you! This baby is gonna be spoiled today :)

@Brittle_Bear: @alka_seltzer666 I will be there once everyone is up in the house! Miss you :P

@Brittle_Bear: Baby shower today! Can't wait to spend today with girls after 3 months of being around boys!

The coffee finished and I started pouring it into the cups. I heard foot steps and chairs scrapping behind me and knew that when I turned around, Dave and Taylor would be sitting there at the counter waiting. Sure enough, there they were when I turned around.

"Coffee for Grohlkins is ready," I said as I handed them their coffees.

"Thanks babe," Dave and Taylor said in unison. Pat came in and sat beside Taylor. I turned around and grabbed Pat's cup and put it in front of him.

"You are an angel," he said.

"My horns are only there to keep the halo up," I replied as Nate walked into the kitchen. I held his cup out for him as he walked over to me.

"Once Chris is up I gotta go," I said as Nate took his cup.

"Oh ya baby shower today. What time do I have to make my appearance?" Dave asked.

"I'll text you an hour before. How's that sound?" I asked as I leaned against the counter.

"That sounds perfect. Wearing the ring today?" heasked as Chris walked into the kitchen.

"Jordyn is gonna be there! Are you nuts?" I asked after standing up straight.

"She already knows," he replied.

"Excuse me? When did this happen?"

"She was with me when I bought the ring," Dave said before.

"No one tells me anything anymore!" I exclamied and headed towards the front door. Dave followed me.

"Babe I couldn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you," he said as I grabbed my purse and keys.

"I get that but you could have told me she knew you were going to propose after you proposed," I replied.

"Ok you got me there. I'm sorry. Come here please?" he asked.

I walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around me the best he could.

"I love you and I should have told you. Please wear it so Jordyn can see it. Please?" he asked before he kissed me.

"Fine," I replied. I opened my purse and took the ring out of the side pocket. I slid it on my finger. "There happy?"

"Yes. Now go have fun at the shower," he replied as he kissed me again.

"Bye," I said as I walked out the door.

1 Hour Later

I was at Frances's and everyone was here. There was just two people we were waiting on. Courtney and Jordyn. Jordyn was bringing the girls with her. Some of Frances's friends had come like Lynz, Chantal, Abreea, Jessicka, and Alicia. Hunter was there looking really out of place, being the only guy and all. A few people I had met while on tour had come as well. I felt akward at my own shower. The doorbell rang and Frances got up to get it. I was left sitting on the couch between Chantal and Lynz who were talking. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying.

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