93. Tell Me We're Cute!

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2 Months Later - July 11th

"Do we get to sleep in our own beds tonight mom?" Kurt asked as I fed James with a bottle. I had to switch to bottles because I would be working for the next five months and wouldn't have James on set with me.

"Yes Kurt you get to sleep in your own bed. Don't you like watching daddy be a rock star?" I asked and he shook his head no.

"No but I like watching Uncle Taylor. Daddy should play drums more," Kurt said and I couldn't help but giggle.

"I like watching daddy," Eric said and I smile at him.

"Me too. Daddy is bad ass," Meredith added and I raised my eye brow at her.

"Meredith that's a bad word," I said as James finished his bottle.

"But you and Auntie Abby say that," Meredith pouted as she walked over to me.

"Because they're adults," Dave said as he walked in. Meredith ran up to him and he picked her up.

"I was just saying you were a badass daddy," Meredith said and Dave smiled.

"I appreciate that but you know not to say that word," Dave responded with and Meredith just nodded. "How's mama bear doing?"

"I'm ok. Just tired and want to get the next five months over," I replied as Dave sat down beside me as I started burping James.

"How'd the skype call go with the guys?" Dave asked as Meredith went back to join her brothers.

"They understood. I will be doing guest vocals though on some songs and whenever they're in California, I can go on stage with them if I want to. I'm just happy they understood," I replied as Dave put a hand on my knee.

"How did Gavin react though?"

"He walked out of the room," I replied as James burped and I stood up. I put him in the little crib in the room and then went back to Dave.

"I never really liked him. Hey I got an idea for tonight. Sing Big Me and Learn To Fly with me," Dave said as I sat on his lap.

"Why?" I asked as I laughed lightly.

"Because we haven't done fucking learn to fly together since you left the band. I just want my wife to come out and play with me on two songs tonight," Dave said. He hugged me to him tightly and I let out a sigh.

"Fine I'll do it but I didn't have a sound check like you so it's going to be bad. Just singing or playing too?" I asked.

"Both babe. Go practice if you want. I got the kids," Dave said and I kissed him.

"Thanks baby. I'll be back later," I replied as I got off his lap and headed in search of a guitar.

I ended up borrowing one from Chris and locking myself in a room and practicing. I just kept going over and over the songs. I didn't stop until a knock came on the door. I unlocked it and went back to playing. Dave came in and locked the door behind him. He took the guitar from my hands and put it beside the couch. Dave had that look in his eyes as he half smiled at me before pulling me up and in for a kiss. We started taking off each other's clothes as we kissed. Once both our pants were off, Dave pushed me back down onto the couch. He took off his calvins before kneeling on the couch and taking my panties off. Dave hovered over me and kissed me as he slid into me. Dave grabbed my hand and held it as he started thrusting in and out of me. We both knew there wasn't much time before we had to get ready for the show, so we tried to be fast. Dave pulled out of me and told me to turn around so I did. Dave slid back into me and started pounding into me. I screamed out Dave's name as he groaned and stilled inside me. Dave smack my ass before pulling out of me and picking up our clothes from wherever we had thrown them. we got dressed and sat down on the couch beside each other.

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