22. Another Day Has Come And Gone

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1 Week Later

I flopped down on my bed after getting home from taping Ellen. The past week had been great. Dave had stayed with me the whole time, I answered every question perfectly and I was never asked about if I was pregnant or not. My flowly shirts and dresses had done their job of hiding my growing belly. Tomorrow would be 5 months. Tomorrow was also the premiere. Dave and I where going together. Only difference this time was that he was my date and there to support me. I was nervous thinking about it. I had gotten a text this morning from Kimberley asking if I wanted to go for mani pedis with Diane tomorrow. I had told her I would love to spend time with my movie mom and sister. Things where going good.

Then I felt something. I sat up on the bed, in fear. What the hell was that? There it is again!

"Frances! Dave!" I yelled.

Frances came running into my room first. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I was laying here and something happened. Something is wrong though. Somethings wrong with the baby," I said as I started freaking out.

"Is it still happening?" she asked.

"Yes," I repsonded.

Just then Dave came running into the room. "What's wrong?"

"She's freaking out. She says something wrong with the baby," Frances replied.

Dave came and kneeled down in front of me. "Babe what's wrong with the baby?" He asked and put a hand on my belly.

"I don't know. This weird thing keeps happening. There it is," I said as I felt it again.

Dave looked at me with a huge smile on his face. "There is nothing wrong babe. Beanie baby is just kicking."

"The baby is kicking?" I asked as my freaked out tears turned to happy ones.

"Yep. Now you know so we don't have another freak out like this time or like Meredith had on Grey's Anatomy," Dave said with a small chuckle.

"Thanks McDreamy," I said with a smile and kissed him.

"You're welcome Medusa," he resposned before standing up and leaving the room.

"Can I feel?" Frances asked once Dave left.

"Ya," I responded. Frances sat down on the bed beside me and put her hand on my belly. I moved it to where the baby had been kicking. "There now we wait."

We didn't wait long. "Oh my god," Frances said with a smile on her face.

"What's oh my god?' Hunter asked from the door.

"Beanie is kicking!" Frances exclmained. Hunter walked in and put his hand where Frances had been. The baby kicked.

"Woah that's so cool," he said moving his hand away. "Can you guys join me downstairs for a minute please?"

"What's up? You can talk to us here," Frances said.

"Maria needs somewhere to stay for awhile. Her mom just walked out on them and her dad is kind of abusive. He hit her while I was there and Kevin came and got us. Please don't let her go back there," Hunter said and looked at between both of us.

"It's fine with me but it's Frances's house. Plus I have something to discuss too," I said as I put my hand on my belly.

"She can stay as long as she needs to. What's up Britt?" Frances responded to both of us.

"Dave asked me to move in with him when Taylor moves out which is a month before beanie here comes," I said and rubbed my belly once before continuing, "I was wondering if maybe Hunter could stay here with you. If not he can stay with Tyler and Kevin."

"Well while you and Tyler are on tour with the others, Kevin is staying here. Hunter can stay here as longas he wants," Frances replied.

"I would like to stay here. I mean when Tyler's back I can stay with them on weekends and do music. Kevin and I have been writing so it would be good to do it for a couple days a week when they come back," Hunter said.

"Once I get use to this motherhood thing, you can always come live with us once the tour is done," I said as I stood up and put my hand on Hunter's shoulder. "I'm not gonna let you live under a bridge."

"Neither am I," Frances said as she put her arms around both of us. "We're a family no matter what. We even have a crazy psycho mother."

"She's not all that terrible. She sent me flowers yesterday to Dave's house," I responded. "Now excuse me while I change into my bathing suit and go swimming. Y'all are free to join me," I added as they walked out the door.

"See you out there,"Frances said.

"She's been watching Nashville again," I heard Hunter say as I closed my door.

I changed into my bathring suit and headed to the kitchen for a snack. I grabbed a towel from the closet outside the kitchen I walked in and saw Dave sitting at the table writing.

"I thought you left already," I said as I grabbed a banana off the counter. Dave stopped and looked at me.

"Just writing some lyrics down. I came up with something last night while you where sleeping and the words just came to me now. Getting them down before I leave," Dave responded before going back to writing.

I walked over to him and kissed the top of his head. "Make sure you come say good bey before you leave baby," I said before opening my banana and taking a bite. I threw the peel out before heading outside.

"Will do," he said without looking up as I walked out the back door.

I headed towards the pool while eating my banana. I was finished when I got there so I laid the towel out and laid down. I started humming a tune while I was laying there. I rubbed my belly when my little bean started kicking again. Always kicks when I hum that song. Just some random little tune I came up with.

"Babe I'm leaving," Dave called as he came across the lawn. I sat up and looked at him. As he got closer I noticed his hands where full. "I brought you your sunglasses, phone and your books incase you want to read or write or both," he said as he came up to me.

"Thanks baby. I wish you could stay," I said as he put my books and phone down and handed me my sunglasses.

"You know I do too but I'm getting this afternoon with the girls because we can't take them until saturday. Then we have them for the whole week before we leave for tour. They can't wait to see you. If you want you can come over after spending time with Frances and Hunter. I have them for the night too," Dave said as he sat down and I put on my sunglasses.

"How's this work for ya, I'll stay here until after dinner. Then I will come over, spend some time with the girls and you and then bed for everyone because I am exhausted after this month. Plus growing a baby isn't as easy as it looks," I said as Frances and Hunter both got to the pool.

"Deal," Dave responded and kissed me. "Laters baby."

"Brittany come swim," Hunter yelled before jumping into the pool.

I watched as Dave ran back to the house to go spend time with his girls. Tomorrow my life was gonna be turned upside down again. It was a happy change I could handle. My life was no longer being controlled and I was kinda free to do what I wanted when I had time off. I had a great guy, amazing friends who I called my family and I hadn't heard from my real family in awhile.

I was finally happy!

After spending the afternoon with Hunter and Frances swimming and watching a couple of movies. We had ordered pizza and watched another movie. I said good bye once the movie was done and headed over to Dave's. When I got there I was greeted by Ophelia running and jumping into my arms. I had missed these girls more than I had realized. Violet, Harper and Dave had greeted me when I walked into the living room with Ophelia. I smiled seeing them together. We had watched a movie and told the girls what the baby was. We had decided to tell them first. They where thrilled when we told them!

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