28. Pretty Eyed, Pirate Smile, You'll Marry A Music Man

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1 Month Later

The last show was tonight. I couldn't wait to sleep in my own bed tonight.

"Hey can you not hit that note right?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Hey just cause you're pregnant doesn't mean you can be a bitch," Gavin said.

"Actually it does when youc an't even hit the right fuckingnote at the right time in the fucking song," I screamed before storming off the stage.

"Way to be an asshole Gavin," I heard Garrett say.

I walked into the Foos dressing room and sat down on the couch by the door.

"This is our dressing room where we drink jager and listen to Michael Jackson before the show. Still the same thing after all these years," Dave said as he walked into the room with an interviewer and a camera. Dave saw me and added, "My beautiful girlfriend Brittany hangs out with us and keeps us from getting plastered before we go on stage."

"Hey Brittany," The interviewer said as the camera turned to me.

"Hello," I said shyly.

"Uh can we have a moment please? My girl looks upset and I want to see if I can help," Dave asked the interviewer.

"Ya sure. We can go get the rest of the band for awhile. Nice meeting you Miss Lane," the interviewer said as he and the camera guy left.

"What's wrong?" Dave asked with a look on his face.

"Stop giving me that look. I didn't do anything wrong. Gavin can't play one certain stupid note when he's suppose to though. I tell him he's screwing up and I get called a bitch," I said in an angry tone.

"Ok let me get this straight. He screwed up, you called him on it and he called you a bitch?" Dave asked with a smile on his face.

"It's not funny. Fuck I can't wait to be done with this fucking day," I exclaimed.

Dave kneeled down infront of me. "I know it's not funny. You're just cute when you're mad."

"Shut up," I said.

"You gonna make me?" He asked, smiling again.

"Damn it. Why can't you ever let me pout and be mad or upset?" I asked witha small chuckle.

"Because you deserve to be nothing but happy. So I do everything in my power to make that smile come every chance I get. It's my job," he replied.

"What did I do to deserve a sweet man like you?" I asked as I caressed his cheek.

"Everything but I have no idea what I did to deserve someone as kind hearted, smart, sweet, funny, generous, beautiful and amazing as you," he said before grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Good question, I'll get back to you on that one," I said with a laugh.

"Oh you little," he said as he started tickling me. This went on for a minute before I pushed him off.

"Dave we need you out here and Brittany Gavin wants to speak to you on stage," the tour manager said.

"Back to work we go. Bye babe. Bye little guy," Dave said as he helped me up. He rubbed my belly and kissed both the bump and me. I watched him walk out the door as the baby kicked.

"Your daddy is a sweetheart.You're a lucky little man," I said to my belly as I walked back to the stage. One more month before this little guy made his big debut. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Frances quickly.

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