31. One's On The Way

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The Next Weekend

Dave had left early this morning and was coming back tomorrow afternoon. Foo Fighters were performing tonight for a benefit in Virginia and he had an interview early the next morning. I had gotten up with him this morning. After he left, I went and sat down on the couch. I hated sleeping in the bed alone. I had settled down on the couch and decided to watch Grace and Frankie again. I was about to start an episode when Harper came and sat down on the couch with me.

"Everything ok Harper?" I asked.

"I wanted to see daddy before he left but I missed him," she said with a sad look on her face.

"Come here. We'll face time him right now," I said and pulled out my phone. Harper moved closer to me as I hit Facetime with Dave. He answered right away.

"Hey babe. Everything ok?" He asked.

"Yep. I have someone here though who wanted to see you before you left," I replied and turned the phone sideways so Harper and I where both visible.

"Hey daddy," Harper said.

"Hey sweetie. I'm sorry I left before you got up," he said.

"It's ok. I just wanted to give you a hug and wish you good luck tonight," she replied.

"Thanks sweetie. You have fun with Brittany ok," Dave said.

"I will daddy. Have fun," she replied.

"Bye girls. I gotta go. I'll see tomorrow afternoon," Dave said.

We both said good bye and he hung up.

"Thanks for doing that Brittany," Harper said as she looked at me.

"No problem. You can go back to bed or stay here and watch a movie or Grace and Frankie with me," I suggested.

"Can we watch Nashville again?" she asked.

"You're obsessed with that show," Violet said as she entered the living room.

"It's a good show," Harper said in response.

"You like Avery that's why you like it," Violet said as she sat down on the other side of me.

"Ok let's watch a movie then," I suggested.

"We'll never pick one because of Harper," Violet said as she leaned back into the couch.

"Well you pick something then," Harper said crossing her arms over her chest.

"If you guys can't decide together, I will pick the movie," I said, hoping that would solve the issue at hand.

"Can we watch The Labyrinth?" Ophelia said as she cam runnign itno the living room and squeezed bewteen me and Violet.

"Are you two ok with that?" I asked Harper and Violet.

"Yes," they both responded.

"Ok can someone put the dvd in for me please?" I asked.

Violet got up and walked over to the dvd case. She pulled out the movie and put it in the dvd player as Harper and Ophelia cuddled up to me. I put an arm around both of them as Violet sat back down.

By the time the movie was over, Violet and Ophelia had fallen asleep. Harper and I werestill awake, so we headed to the kitchen to make something to eat.

"What shall we eat this morning?" I asked as I opened the fridge. Harper got up on one of the stools.

"French toast," she replied.

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