52. Let There Be Cake

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Ophelia was wearing a almost floor length dress that was a total princess dress in ehr eyes.It had jewes on the top and strap that went around her neck and it was poofy. She did a twirl as we all smiled and laughed because she was so cute. Jordyn and I both took pictures of her. Violet had picked out a short blue dress. It had sequins around the top with a small sheer shoulder panel with a design on it. Jordyn and I took pictures of her as well. Harper had picked out a floor length deep red dress that made her look like royalty. Jordyn and I took pictures of her as well. We waited while Gloria did what she had to do so that she could fix the dresses for the girls. Jordyn and I both agreed that Violet's should be a bit longer and Gloria said she would work her magic. The grils changed and we all left. Ophelia came with me whiel Harper and Violet went with Jordyn. Both girls had sleep overs tonight and Dave would pick them up from the houses tomorrow.

"When we get home can we make cupcakes mama b?" Ophelia asked from the backseat.

"We sure can sweetie. But when your daddy comes home, we're gonna have lots of cake to try and eat all night," I replied.

"Are we having cake for dinner?" She asked excitedly as I pulled into the driveway.

"No. Are chicken nuggets and fries ok?" I asked as I shut the car off and she started unbuckling herself.

"I like chicken nuggets. Daddy says if I keep eating them, I'm gonna be a chicken nugget," she said as we both got out of the car.

"Well your daddy is just trying to be funny," I said as we walked inside. I could hear Dave in the living room with the twins.

"Kurty and Merder are up," Ophelia said and ran to the living room. I walked into the living room and closed the baby gate Ophelia left open and saw both Dave and Ophelia on the floor with my now 11 month old twins. It then dawned on me I also had to plan a birthday party for two 1 year olds.

"Hey beautiful. I wasn't as needed as I thought I was so I came home and we've just been chilling out here trying to walk, crawling and rolling over onto our tummies," Dave said when he looked behind him.

"You rolled over onto your tummy and I missed it? Damn" I said jokingly as I sat down on the couch.

"Abby said she'd bring the cakes by in a bit," Dave said as he returned his attention to Kurt and Meredith.

"Hey we got a month to plan a birthday party for the twins," I said as I nudged him with my foot. He turned half way around so his back wasn't facing me anymore.

"Can we have a superhero party?" Dave asked excitedly.

"Daddy Merder is not a superhero. She's a princess," Ophelia said as she smooshed his cheeks together. I couldn't help but giggle.

"How about we do a superhero and princess party?" I suggested. They both looked at me and nodded their heads. Just then the door bell rang.

"Ill get it," Ophelia said as she ran to the gate to unlock it. The gates where installed because the twins often crawled out of the living room. Ophelia didn't close the gate as she ran to the front door. Dave followed her and closed the gate behind him. Kurt came crawling up to me and I picked him up.

"Hi little man. Are you walking yet?" I asked in a baby voice. Kurt smiled and gurggled at me. Meredith was busy playing with one of her toys when Dave opened the gate again. Abby came walking through with a huge box and Ophelia was following her like a puppy.

"Hey Britt. I brought the cake samples by like Frances asked me to. Taylor got to one of them so I will go back and get another one," Abby said as Dave opened the other gate for her so she could go into the kitchen. I stood up with Kurt and headed to the kitchen while Dave picked up Meredith who was crawling towards the open gate to the kitchen. We put the twins in their high chair as Abby opened the cake box. Ophelia was standing on a chair waiting. I grabbed us plates and forks and a knife to cute the cake samples.

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