38. Come On Baby Drive Me Wild

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Dave hadn't spoken much on the way home from the airport. Scotty talked most of the way. He filled in on how school went and that he was devolping his first game. He asked about the tour and album and what else was new. I told him about the tv show and documentary and how I had to film some music videos and do a photo shoot while he was here. When we got to the house, Dave go out and grabbed Scotty's bag from the back and walked into the house.

"Did I do soemthing wrong?" Scotty asked as we got out of the van and headed into the house.

"Give him some time. I'll talk to him in a bit," I said as I closed the door behind Scotty. Dave started coming back downstairs.

"I put your bag in the guest room closest to the nursery and the master bedroom. You hungry?" Dave asked when he go to to the bottom of the stairs.

"Ya I guess," Scotty replied unsure of what to say or do.

"Let's go make a late lunch then," Dave said as he grabbed my hand and we headed towards the kitchen. We made it to the living room where Hunter, Krist, and the girls where sitting with sandwhiches while watching Homeward Bound.The twin where in their swings, sleeping peacefully.

"There's a sandwhich for each of you on the counter. We just started the movie if you wanna join us," Hunter said.

"I'm gonna take mine upstairs," Dave said as he walked into the kitchen. He walked back out with a sandwhich and headed up stairs.

"Hi I'm Scott," Scotty said as he sat down on the couch beside Hunter.

I walked into the kitchen as everyone introduced themselves and grabbed both sandwhiches and headed back towards the living room. I handed Scotty his sandwhich before heading upstairs. I walked into our bed room and saw him sitting on the bed eating.

"Want some company?" I asked after I closed the door and started walking towards the bed.

"Wouldn't you rather be with Scotty," he asked as I put my sandwhich down on my bedside table. I got up on the bed and looked at him.

"No because I don't care if he acts like a 2 year old," I replied with a small smile.

"I'm nto acting like a 2 year old damn it," he replied as he banged his fists into the mattress.

"Ok then. Maybe when you stop your tantrum maybe I'll come abck and see if you want toplay," I said as I started getting off the bed. He grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Play?" he asked. I smiled back at him and moved closer to him and started kissing his neck.

"Oh play," he said when he realized what I meant.

The Next Week

After Dave and I spent the entire afternoon in the bedroom the day Scotty got her,Dave was nicer to Scotty and actually started liking him. It's hard not to like Scotty. Krist had taken Hunter and Scotty out for the day as Dave and I had to do the People Magazine shoot for the twins. Jordyn had let the girls stay until today because the magazine wanted a few shots of the girls with their baby siblings.

"You ok?" Jordyn asked as she put a hand on my shoulder. I was standing off in a corner looking towards the wall trying to be invisible.

"Not really," I replied as I turned around.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I've never done one of these before. Let alone one with babies," I replied.

"Just relax and listen to them. They won't do anything that you're not comfortable with. The girls are having fun so they can't be that bad," Jordyn said as someone walked up to us.

"We where wondering if we could get one with you, Dave and all the kids and one with you and all the kids?" she asked me. I looked to Jordyn who nodded it would be ok.

"I guess," I replied.

"Ok we're ready for you then," she said. Jordyn and I followed her to the living room.

"Ok let's switch out Dave and get Brittany in here. Where is she? Oh there you are," he said as he saw me. He continued, "Just go over to the couch and sit where Dave is sitting. Jordyn take one of the babies from Dave so we can get her in his place. Once she's sitting give her a baby one at a time. Brittany all you have to do is smile and do as I say ok."

As he said this I had been lightly nudged towards the couch by Jordyn. Jordyn tookMeredith from Dave and he stood up so I could sit down. Once I was seated Dave put Kurt in my right arm and stepped away so Jordyn could put Meredith in my left arm. Once I had both babies, Violet, Harper and Ophelia moved closer to me for the pictures. I took a deep breath in and let it out as the photographer started taking pictures. I did as he told me as I watched Dave and Jordyn talk on the sidelines. Jordyn didn't look happy and neither did Dave.

"Ok Dave take your girl from Brittany and sit beside her please. Opehlia sweetie, I want you to stand behind you daddy and Brittany with your arms around them. Harper sit beside Brittany and Violet beside your dad," the photographer said.

Dave came over and took Meredith from me before sitting down beside me. He put his hand on my thigh, close to my knee and lightly squeezed it.

"Everything ok?" I asked as the girls got back in place.

"She's gonna sign the papers. She wasn't happy about me bringing it up now because apparently you're nervous," he replied.

"It's my first photo shoot ever. Of course I'm nervous," I said as the photographer started taking pictures again.

Once we where done with the girls, Jordyn took them home and we continued on. We were done by 5 and everyone was packed and gone by 6:30. Dave texted Krist and told him we were done and to bring pizza.

"We have an entire house to ourselves for the next maybe 30 minutes if we're lucky. What do you wanna do?" Dave asked as I hopped up onto the kitchen counter.

"I don't know. Technically we're not alone. Kurt and Meredith are sleeping in their swings," I said as Dave walked up to me.

"Well I got an idea of what we could do," Dave said as he put his hands on my knees and slowly opened my legs.

"Oh my god no. Not in the kitchen. Especially not on the counter," I said as I pushed him away.

"You are no fun," He replied as he leaned against the counter across from me.

"I'm no fun?" I asked.

"Did I stutter?" he asked.

I hopped off the counter and started walking towards the living room. I took my shirt off and dropped it on the floor. "I'd pick that up if I were you," I said as I walked into the living room. I took my skirt off and left it on the floor in the living room. I knew he would follow. I walked half way up the stairs and took my bra off and left it there. Half way to to the bedroom I left my panties on the floor. I walked into the bedroomand left it open a bit. I stood by the balcony doors. He walked in shortly after with my clothes in his hands. He pushed the door so it would latch, dropped my clothes on the floor and walked over to me

"So little miss strip tease, why aren't you in the bed waiting?" he asked as he put his arms around me and pulled me close.

"Oh I thought maybe we could have a little fun out there," I said and nodded towards the balcony. The look on his face was all I needed for an answer before he nudged me outside and closed the doors behind us.

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