69. Second And Actual Birthday

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4 Weeks Later - June 3nd

Abby is 38 Weeks

"Kurt get back here," Dave yelled as Kurt ran past me naked. Dave ran after him with a diaper. I couldn't help but laugh as I got the cupcakes out on the platters for their birthday party. Kurt was running around the kitchen while Dave chased him. Once Kurt ran around the counter out of my view, I crouched down and waited. As Kurt ran around the corner I wrapped my arms around him and started kissing all over his face.

"Thanks babe. I swear he's becomign more like you everyday," Dave said with a wink as he took Kurt from me.

"Hey I think I look for just having a baby almost a month ago," I replied as Dave put Kurt down on the table to put the diaper on him.

"You do but you know you can eat more than salads right," Dave said as he finished putting the diaper on Kurt.

"I ate chicken nuggets last night," I said in defense as I washed my hands so I could go back to putting the cupcakes out.

"You ate the two nuggets left my Kurt and Meredith. If you don't eat atleast two pieces of cake today, I'm throwing you into the pool," Dave said as he put Kurt down ont he floor and he ran into the living where Meredith was playing with the mini piano Dave got her.

"If you do throw me in the pool, would you join me?" I asked as I looked at him seductively.

"Maybe. Depends on what you're wearing when I throw you in," he replied as he wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. I looked out into the backyard and saw the girls playing with Bowie. Dave started kissing my neck as the doorbell rang and Eric started crying.

"I got him," Frances yelled from upstairs as Dave left the kitchen to get the door. I finished putting the cupcakes out on the table as Shane, Annabelle and Alex came runnign through the kitchen and out to the backyard where the girls were.

"Well hello to you three as well," I said as Dave came back into the kitchen.

"I heard we saved you," Tayor said as him and Abby came into the kitchen. Abby headed straight for the table to sit down. I didn't blame her. She was a week past her due date.

"I wouldn't say saved exactly. I was kinda enjoying it," I said with a wink at Dave as he got Abby some water.

"Tay beer?" he asked.

"No thank you. I gotta stay on ym feet today. In case anything does happen let me jsut say thank you now for letting the kids stay here til Allison can get them," Taylor said as I put the cupcakes on the counter by him. I looked at them all proud. They looked better than the cake I made last year.

"No problem. We kinda have two nannies right now," Dave said as a joke.

"I heard that and I'm their god mother not the nanny. Carrie is the nanny," Frances said as she came into the kitchen with Eric.

"I can't wait for him to get his ass out here," Abby said as she looked at her belly.

"I was that same way but I was done way before I even got to this point. Thank god for van sex," I said as Dave walked past me. He stopped, backed up a bit and kissed the back of my head before continuing what he had been about to do.

"We've been fucking like rabbits and yet nothing," Taylor replied as I went into the freezer and pulled out the pizzas and Eric started crying again.

"I think he's hungry," Frances said as she looked at me. I put the pizzas on the counter and took Eric from her.

"Can you start cooking those please?" I asked before I went to the living room.

Frances nodded before I turned around. Dave was getting the twins dressed as I sat down in his chair to feed Eric. I wasn't missing out this time. I covered myself with a blanket cause I knew people would be coming whenever now.

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