59. Cold Day In The Sun

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3 Months And 1 Week Later - Jan 14

Dave's Point Of View

"Please baby wake up," I said softly as I held Britt's hand. It had been 3 months since the accident. I barely left her side and when I did, Frances took my place. I still had to be there for our kids every night and my girls on the weekends. I brought them to visit Britt once in awhile. They always brought her flowers and talked to her like she could hear them.

"I'm sure it'll be soon. I mean the swelling went down and they took her out of the drug induced coma," Krist said as he sat down on the other side of her bed.

I put my head down on her hand and started crying. I just wanted to see her eyes again. Those beautiful blue eyes and the way they sprakled when she saw me. I missed her laugh. I missed everything that annoyed me about her too like her chewing on ehr hair when she was nervous and biting her nails. I was praying to god when I heard a choking sound. I looked up and saw it was Britt. Krist out of the room to get the doctor. He came back witha team of doctors and nruses and I got ushered out of the room with Krist.

"What's going on?" I asked tryignt og et back intot he room.

"Sir we need you to wait out here while we removed her breathing tube," a nurse said to me as she pushed me back out of the room.

"Why are you removing her breathing tube?" I asked, freaking out.

"She's fighting it which means she can breathe on her own," she replied as I stood beside Krist in the hall.

"That great news. She's breathing on her own," Krist said as he put an arm around my shoulder. I pulled him in for a hug and he didn't refuse. I was happy and relieved that she was getting better and not worse. The doctor came out of the room and walked voer to us.

"We removed her breathing tube. She's breathing on her own but she's not awake yet. I expect she should wake up within the next couple of days," he said to me.

"Can I go back in now?" I asked as everyone left the room.

"Yes you may. Try talking to her like I've seen your girls do when you bring them in. If she hear your voice maybe it'll help," he replied before walkign away. I nodded and headed back into the room with Krist.

"Do you think it would work?" I asked Krist as I returned to my seat.

"Worth a shot. I'm gonna head to the chapel and light a candle for her," Krist said before he walked out of the room again. I looked at her and cleared my thoart. I hope this works.

"Hey beautiful. It's me Dave. I miss you. I miss you like fucking crazy. Kurt and Meredith miss their mama. Kurt looks for you everyday and it breaks my heart. I bring the girls to see you every weekend when they come to visit. They miss you too. We all want ou to wake up. I can't do this without you anymore. I just want to see those blue eyes again. Please wake up baby," I said as tears fell from my eyes. I lifted her hand and kissed it. "Please wake up. Do it for me. I love you." I squeezed her hand before I put it on my cheek and closed my eyes.

Brittany's Point Of View

I could feel something weird on my hand. What was I touching? I tried to open my eyes but it was too bright so I kept them closed. I could hear a beeping noise. Where was I? What happened? Then I remembered the accident. I must be in the hospital. I felt the thing I was touching move before I heard a voice.

"Please just wake up baby. I know I keep repeating myself but I love you and want you to wake up," I heard Dave say. I could hear the hurt in his voice. I wanted to open my eyes but it was bright. I realized my thoart was dry so I couldn't really say anything. The beeping of what had to be my heart monitor started going a bit faster.

"Baby can you hear? Brittany if you can hear me please squeeze my hand," I heard Dave say as he held my hand in his. I did my best to squeeze his hand. It seemed to work from his response. "Baby I love you. Please open your eyes." I tried opening my eyes againa nd clsoed them again right away. I felt Dave touching my forehead. "Try again baby. Please for me." I opened my eyes again and his hand was blocking the light so it wasn't as bright. I looked over at him and smiled as tears streamed down his face.

"Hold on baby. I'll close the blinds and turn off the over head light," Dave said as he moved his ahnd and I closed my eyes again. I heard him moving around the room and closing the blinds. I opened my eyes again once I heard a click. I could see with now. Dave sat down on the bed beside me after he closed the door.

"Hey beautiful," he said as he carressed my cheek. I closed my eyes and pushed against his hand as I started crying. After I opened my eyes again, I motioned I needed water. He poured me some from the pitcher on the table beside the bed. He put it to my lips and helped me drink it. My thoart didn't feel dry anymore. Once the glass was finished he put it back on the table and looked at me.

"I love you too," I said quietly. Dave leaned down and hugged me as a nurse opened the door.

"I thought I would just che.....Oh my god she's awake. I'll go get Dr. Ying and Dr. Darwin," she said before runnign down the hallway. Dr. Ying..... the baby.

"The baby," I said softly as I tried to sit up. Dave stopped me.

"Our baby is fine. 19 weeks and counting," Dave said as he put my hand on my belly. I smiled as I rubbed my baby bump.

"Boy or girl?" I asked, still speaking quietly.

"I wasn't going to find out without you knowing. It wouldn't be fari," Dave said as the drs walked in.

"Hello Brittany. I'm Dr. Darwin and I've been your doctor for the past three months," THe doctor said as he started raising my bed.

"Hello," I said in my whisper voice as I rubbed my bump. Dr. Ying smiled at me when I looekd at her. I smiled in return. I let Dr. Darwin poke and prod at me until he was done.

"Do you have a headache at the moment?" he asked me.

"No. Am I gonna sound liek this for the rest of my life?" I asked.

"No. We took your breathing tube out today so you shoud have a normal voice soon. Did you try drinking water?" he asked me.

"Yes she had one already," Dave replied for me. I gave his hand a squeeze to say thank you. He kissed my head after. He knew me too well.

"Ok well Brittany. I'm just gonna tell you what happened to you. You got hit by a car and where brought here. You had a broken arm, leg and a few broken ribs. You also had some swelling in your brain so we had you in a drug induced coma. We're gonna keep you here for a few days while we make sure you're ok. A week tops," Dr. Darwin said as he stood up and let Dr Yang step forward.

"Glad to see you awake Brittany. You gave us all a scare there. Especially this one here," she said as she nodded at Dave.

"I hope he wasn't too unbearable," I said as Krist walked into the room.

"Holy fuck," was all Krist said.

"We're just gonna do a quick ultrasound so you can see your baby," Dr. Ying said as she moved my blanket and gown away from my belly. She squirted the jelly on it and put the wand on my belly. She moved it around a bit before stopped and moving the monitor towards us. Krist was standing behind Dave looking with us at the screen.

"What is it?" Krist asked.

*******I just wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone for reading, commenting and voting, especially Versenirvanaverse1 and StaceyWhitworth whose comments on here and Instagram make my day as well. I love you amazing human specimens! (yes I already know I'm weird. read the other story to see the orginal note lol)*******

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