36. Letter From The Past

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"You what?" I asked. I had heard him but I was taken by surprise.

"I filed the divorce papers," he said again.

"When?" I asked.

"Friday," he replied.

"That explains why she suddenly had to leave when she heard you," I said as I put the joint out.

"I guess. I hope this goes over smoothly. I'm giving her the house to do what she wants with. I'll pay her spousal support or alamony until she gets remarried. I'll always help with the girls. I just hope she's not gonna drag this out," he said as he pulled me a little closer to him. I put an arm around his shoulder.

"I'm sure she won't. What about the girls though?" I asked.

"Well in the papers I said she can have full custody and that we keep the arrangement the way it is now. I get them every weekend when I'm home, if she needs me to take them because she has a work or personal thing, and an occasional trip out to see me when I'm on tour," he replied.

"Well I'm sure youcan sit down with her and discuss this. Did you tell her you were going to file?"

"Kinda. I told her I was gonna do it when I came back from the benefit concert thatwe cancelled."

"Why the hell did you wait a month?" I asked as I stood up.

"I was being a new dad again. If you think I put it off because I don't want the divorce, you're wrong," he replied as I opened the balcony door and walked into the room. He got up and followed me.

"Then why?" I asked as I reached the bedroom doors. I noticed some figures in the hall. Probably two people putting the twins to bed. I heard music start downstairs.

"I forgot. I was busy with you and the twins and I was happy so it slipped my mind. I did it when I did remember," he replied as I opened the door and stepped out.

"Seriously! Who the hell is playing this?" Dave asked as he ran out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

I let out a small laugh as I closed the bedroom door. I walked past the nursey and saw Frances and Chantal putting the twins down. I headed downthe stairs and to the kitchen where the music was coming from. I walked in to find Dave, Krist, Pat, Kevin and Hunter jamming out to Smells Like Teen Spirit. I started laughing and eventually ended upon the floor from laughing so hard.

"You three were in this band!" I laughed.

"Is she stoned?' Krist asked.

"You told me to do it so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I replied.

"Ok then," Krist said as the song finished.

"Hunter that was awesome but warn us next time," Dave said as he put Hunter in a head lock and gave him a noogie.

"Alright alright fine. No more Nirvana I promnise," Hunter said as Dave let him go.

"Breed damn it," I said as I stopped laughing.

"Really Babe?" Dave asked me as he put his hands on his hips. I stood up and copied him.

"Yes babe," I said.

I noticed Pat and Krist where going through the music as Dave and I stared each other down. He started walking up to me and I started backing up.

"This must be Britt's spotify," Pat said as Dave took another step towards me.

"There it is. Quick press it he's getting closer to her and she's about to go over the couch," Krist said. Pat played Breed and I turned around and jumped over the couch before running back into the kitchen past Dave and started dancing with Hunter.

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