90. Grunge Grandchild

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2 Weeks Later - February 28th

Frances - 39 Weeks

Britt - 34 Weeks

Today I was meeting up with the guys from Peace Punk to talk about getting back together. I was nervous and had made way too much food for lunch. Virginia had come over to watch the kids while I was with the band because Dave was going to the studio to watch a recording session for a band who had asked to use 606. I was washing the last pan when the doorbell rang. I rinsed the pan and put it to the side and started to the door but the kids beat me. Kurt and Meredith were waiting at the door for me to open it. When I opened the door Kurt and Meredith ran to the first ones they could get to which was Hunter and Tyler.

"Hey there Princess Meredith," Tyler said as he picked her up and walked inside with her. He one arm hugged me as the rest of the guys walked in.

"It smells amazing Britt and it's good to see you again," Kyle said as he hugged me.

"Thanks and it's good to see you too," I replied as Gavin closed the door behind him.

"Hey Britt," he said as he hugged me and I said it back.

Garrett and Hunter both hugged me as well and each guy got a hug from Kurt and Meredith each before we went to the living room. There was another hug party when we got to the living room as Eric hugged them and so did Virginia. The guys and I headed into the kitchen where we would be eating. I made up a plate for the kids of the things they would eat and got them settled in the dining room while Virginia got her food. When I got to the kitchen the guys were all grabbing food as well. Once we all had out food and drinks we sat down at the table and stated talking.

"Dave said he talked to you about coming back and you told him you'd think about it," Kyle said and I looked down at my plate.

"He did and I did," I replied as I picked up pig in a blanket (mini hot dog wrapped in dough, for those who don't know)and took a bite.

"Well do you want to come back?" Gavin asked with his mouth full.

"I miss it but I can't bring the kids around what it use to be like. It was fine when we toured with Dave and the guys but it was different when it was just us. I can't do that again. Not after going to rehab man," I said and took another bite.

"We're all clean and the only one who sleeps with groupies anymore is Gavin but only when he gets tired of his hand," Garrett said and we all laughed.

"It's not the same without Kevin though," I said and Tyler put his head down. We all sat in silence as we remember Kevin in our own little ways.

"Look we all know it's not the same without Kev but we didn't just lose him. We lost you too," Tyler said when he finally looked up and at me.

I looked back at him and just kind of nodded. I understood what he was talking about. We were a family and even though I had left the band they were there for everything that wasn't a girls only event. But I had broken my promise. I said I would never abandon them like Marsha or Marcie or whatever the fuck her name was.

"I want to come back but I got a movie to do after this baby comes and I know you got a tour to go finish in Europe or some place. I tend to not get complete information when he tells me things in bed," I said and everyone cracked up.

"You tune him out or does he jut not tell you everything?" Hunter asked and I shook my head no.

"It's pretty much me falling asleep on him. The finish line is near," I said as I raised a fist in mock victory and they laughed again. I missed them.

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