73. Here Goes Nothing

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18 Months Later - Feburary

"Britt are you sure you want to go to that house by yourself?" Abby asked as we got into a car at the aitrport. We had just gotten home from touring with Peace Punk. Abby had flown out a month ago to keep me company because I was worried I might slide back into the depths of hell. Frances had spent most of the tour with me but had some business to do during the last two months.

"Ya I'll be fine. I'm getting the kids tomorrow," I said as I pushed my sunglasses up my nose a bit more.

The car was surrounded by the paparazzi. Dave and I had seperated 11 months ago after fighting like crazy while recording both the new Peace Punk album and my solo project. I told Dave I could do my solo stuff whenever I wanted but he had pushed me to do it right away. I felt rushed and pressured and I shut him out. He responded with getting angry and mean. He was constantly putting me down while we were working and not working. I had finally had enougha nd told Dave the guys and I scheduled a 10 months touring schedule. Dave said if I was gone for 10 months I could find a new place to live. So I moved back to the house I had bought myself. I let him have the kids cause I didn't need him coming over everyday.

"Britt just come stay with me and Taylor for a few days. You can stay til the wedding even," Abby said as the car finally pulled away from the airport.

"I just want to be alone," I replied as I looked out the window. Abby grabbed my hand.

"Look I don't want you alone. You called me out on tour because you missed everyone. You also didn't want to slip again. I know what you're going to do as soon as you get home. Please just come home and let your best friends take care fo you for once," Abby said as she teared up. I did too.

"Ya ok. I just want," I stopped myself. I knew saying it would sound stupid.

"You want Dave. I know. He'll get his head out of ass soon and realize he's making a fucking huge mistake," Abby said as she moved over to hug me.

About a month ago, when I called Abby and asked her to join me, Dave had been spotted with yet another blonde on his arm out an about LA. His sixth since I walked out of the house. I put my head on Abby's shoulder and just cried as we drove to her and Taylor's house. When we got there Taylor was out in the driveway with Dave.

"Fuck my life," I said and ducked behind the seat when I saw him.

"Give me a minute," Abby said and got out of the car.

I watched her walk over to Taylor and whisper in hsi ear. I ducked behind the seat again as I saw Dave look over to the car. I saw Kurt and Meredith come running out of the house with Shane and Dave's attentionw as grabbed by them. I took my sunglasses off and checked my reflection in the rearview mirror. I took my ponytail out and shook it loose. I quickly applied some lipgloss before putting my sunglasses back on and getting out of the car.

"Britt!" taylor yelled as he ran over and hugged me. I hugged him tightly as Dave watched us. I noticed he was biting his lip.

"I so needed a Taytay hug right then. I missed you," I said as we put our arms around each other and headed towards Abby and Dave.

"Brittany," Dave said with a nod.

"David," I replied.

"Mama," Kurt and Meredith yelled when they saw me. I bent down as they ran to me and I hugged them tightly. Kurt pulled away and tried to take my sunglasses off. He succeeded until I took them and put them back. I let them goa nd they went abck to playing Shane.

"Where's Eric?" I asked as I looked at Dave. He looked sad all of a sudden.

"Napping with Ollie," he replied as he looked down at his feet.

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