96. 5 Years And Going Strong

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2 Months Later - September 1st

"Dave she's completely fine. It's one weekend away with her girl friends and she's seventeen. Michelle's dad will be there so no boys and no parties," I said as he paced back and forth at the end of the bed.

"They could go out to a party and there will be boys at the party. I know what those fuckers are thinking and I don't want my little girl around them," Dave replied as he kept pacing.

"She's seventeen and an extremely good kid. She's not going to be stupid and reckless and she won't be sleeping with anyone. She's not you and can you please stop pacing. You're making me dizzy," I said. Dave looked at me and then back at his phone. He was waiting to hear if Violet had gotten to her friend's parents beach house safely.

"I'm calling her again," Dave said and dialled her number for the fifteenth time. Priscilla started crying on the baby monitor so I got out of bed and went to go check on her. After I fed and changed her and got her back in bed, I checked on the other kids. When I got back into the bedroom, Dave was on the balcony talking on the phone. I walked outside and wrapped my arms around him. Dave put a hand on mine as he talked.

"I'll tell her. Just text me once in awhile so I know you're ok please. I love you too Violet. Have fun sweetie. Bye," Dave said and hung up.

"Everything ok?" I asked as I moved so I was standing beside him.

"It sure is. Her phone died and it was inside charging while she was outside having a fire," Dave replied as he put an arm around my shoulder.

"See I told you. Cut the girl some slack. She's not going to go do acid and mushrooms and think tiny dinosaurs are attacking everyone," I said teasingly and David laughed.

"Those were scary at the time. You know what I mean. You had a meltdown over spiders while on it," Dave replied and I shuttered.

"Don't even mention them. My skin still crawls when someone brings it up. So I was thinking about maybe going and hanging out with my boys tomorrow. Go down to the rehearsal space and just see what's going on," I said as we headed back inside.

"Thinking about rejoining the band or just curious about what's going on?" Dave asked as we got back into bed.

"I don't know. I kind of want to go back but I don't know if it's a good idea," I replied as I looked over at Dave.

"You could do it and then maybe you guys could tour with us on the next tour," Dave said with a wink.

"Oh and what would I possibly have to do to make that happen?" I asked as I got up and straddled him. Dave smiled at me and put his hands on my ass.

"I got a few ideas and they all involve you naked," he replied.

I smirked and then took my shirt off. Dave leaned forward and took one of my nipples in between his teeth and gently bit on it causing me to gasp. Dave gently sucked on it as he massaged my other breast. I put a hand on the back of his head as he moved his tongue around my nipple. I tugged at Dave's hair gently and he looked up at me. I pulled him closer and kissed him. When we pulled apart, I pulled his shirt off over his head and threw it to the side before Dave pulled me in for another passionate kiss. Dave put a hand behind my back and rolled us over so he was on top. I put my hands on the side of his cheeks as our tongues danced around in each other mouths. Dave grabbed my hands and pinned them beside my head as he started kissing my neck. I turned my head tot he ide and saw the door opening.

"Door," I said and Dave got off of me. He sat up in bed and looked over to see Eric rubbing his eyes.

"Mama I had a bad dream," Eric said as Dave got out of the bed and threw me his shirt. I put it on as he brought Eric over to the bed.

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