5. There Goes My Hero...

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Once Frances was ready, we got in the car and drove to the hotel. I ran in and quickly changed into jeans and a random t shirt. After I finished brushing my teeth and hair, I ran back downstairs and got in the car. Once the door was closed, Frances sped off to the rehearsal studio where the guys where.

"Nice shirt. Tyler and Kevin will like it," Frances said.

I looked down at my shirt and realized I had put on ym Foo Fighters shirt Hunter got me for my birthday.

"Well if it wheren't for Dave, your dad and the rest of the guys I probably wouldn't be here right now. I got the courage to try out for the movie. I also had the strength to not hurt myself anymore," I said as we stopped at a red light.

"Not judging at all. I'm glad you found something to help you through the tough shit. Life sucks," she responded as she started driving again. Just as she turned the corner my phone went off.

"Shit," I exclaimed.

"What?" Frances asked.

"Hunter's plane just landed. We gotta go get him instead," I said, putting a hand to my forehead.

"I'll go get him. You go get your ass in the band. I'll come back as soon as I got him."

"Thanks Frances. You don't have to but thank you."

"It's what friends are for. Now go be a bad ass bitch and kick some music ass," Frances said and motioned for me to get out.

I got out of the car and closed the door. I could hear drums so I followed the sound of the drumming. I walked up to the door marked 4 and opened it. I looked inside and realized I wasn't in the right place when I saw an older man playing the drums. I tried to close the door quietly but I heard him speak.

"Can I help you?" asked the man behind the drumset.

"Sorry I thoguht this was the space I was suppose to go to. I didn't mean to disturb you," I responded as the man stood up. I knew who he was instantly.

"Are you here to see that band with two drummers?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Their singer just quit so I'm here to audition I guess." I started twirling my hair from nerves. I couldn't believe who I hasd walked in on playing drums.

"Well I can take you over to their space. It's in the second building. I'm Dave Gr..."

"Grohl. Yeah I kinda know who you are," I said and pointed at my shirt.

"Oh nice. Well come on I'll take you over there. Why did Marcie quit?" He asked as we walked out the door.

"I think Frances said Marcie got pregnant and didn't want to possibly record and tour anymore. Fine with me if I get the gig," I responded.

We walked around the corner ofthe building and I saw the second building.

"They're in number 8. Always are. Tyler's been coming here since he was 18. He's a good guy. Told him if he could find someone to sign him and his abnd that he'd be able to open for us. He works for us when we go on tour. He's a big fan too. Are you?" Dave asked as we got closer to space 8.

"Ya. You guys kinda saved my life," I said in a shakey voice. I was talking to my hero and it felt comfortable but I was still nervous. I mean it's Dave fucking Grohl!!!!!

"I'm glad we gave you the strength to keep going on. Here's where you need to be. Hey when you mentioned Frances did you mean Frances Bean?"

"Yeah. I met her yesterday before I went to my first day of work. I'm only here because I got a part in a movie," I said. Why did I say that?

"That's awesome. I'll go see it when it comes out. Gotta support someone who supports me."

He was actually being genuine. "You don't get that much anymore these days,' I thought.

"Hey Dave. I see you've met Marcie's possible replacement. Want to come watch her audition?" Tyler asked after he showed up at the door outside space 8.

"I think I'm making her nervous enough just standing in front of her. She doesn't need the extra stress," Dave responded. As he said it he winked at me. I blushed and looked away.

"Ok, well if she makes it and survives the rehearsal, we'll stop by before heading to the bar for drinks." Tyler said as he sstarted pulling me inside.

"Sounds good dude. Later." With that Dave walked away to return to what he was doing.

"How the hell did you bump into him?" Tyler asked.

"I heard drums so I followed the sound and I looked in and realuized it wasn't you guys. I tried to make a quiet get away but failed"

"Oh, well where's Frances? She was suppose to bring you."

"She did but my friend Hunter's plane arrived earlier then I thought and she went to go get him for me."

"Hey the girl is here. Let's get the torture over with," Garrett yelled from across the room when he saw me.


"That was badass. You got it. You are our queen!" Gavin said while trying to catch his breathe.

"We both vote for yes for her," Kyle said after Garrett had whispered something in his ear.

"She got my vote from her shirt alone," Kevin chimed in.

"Looks like you made it. Welcome to Peace Punk Brittany!" Tyler yelled and hugged me.

"You're in the band?" I heard Frances ask from behind me.

I turned around and looked at her with the biggest smile on my face ever. I couldn't speak I just shook my head yes.

"OH MY GOD!" Frances screamed and ran over to me and hugged me. All the guys then came over and joined in on the hug.

"I'm so lost," I heard from outside our group hug.

"HUNTER!" I yelled as I pushed people off of me and ran to him. "I made the band and I met Dave motherfucking Grohl!" I screamed as I started jumping up and down.

"What?" Hunter asked in shock. "Congrats on the band but what about Dave Grohl?"

"I met him. We might be going drinking with him later too. Be cool," I said with a huge smile on my face.

I was over the moon excited. I was in a band. I met Dave Grohl, my fucking hero. My best friend Hunter was here. I was becoming friends with Frances. Life was finally turning around.

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