13. Being Happy Is All That Matters

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I woke up the next morning, got out of bed, grabbed a tank topand a skirt from my bag and went to the bathroom. I got ready for the day and noticed things where blurrier then normal so I reached into my make up bag put my glasses on. I walked out ofthe bathroom and checked to see if Dave was still asleep and then headed downstairs. Frances and Hunter were already up and in the kitchen. I walked in and went straight for the coffee pot. After getting a cup, I sat down at the table.

"Wanna come shopping with us for house stuff today?" Frances asked as she continued cooking.

"Yes please. It's better than the possibility of going and helping Dave. I've done enough damage already," I responded and took a sip of my coffee.

"Great,We'll go once Mr. Grohl wakes up. Didn't know you wore glasses," Frances said as she slid a plate of french toast in front of me and Hunter.

"Ya, I need them for distance. My eyes don't bother me so much. I had contacts in the past two days and my eyes are just blurry today,"I responded as Hunter started eating his french toast.

As I started eating, Dave walked into the kitchen. "Good morning," he said wth a small yawn. "OOO fresh pot."

"Morning," Hunter said with his mouth full.

"Ya cause that's attractive," I said and started laughing with Frances.

"Morning beautiful," dave said as he sat down beside me with a cup of coffee.

"Morning you," I responded. I took another sip of coffee as he kissed my head.

"Morning," Frances said, in response to Dave's orginal Good morning. She had just waited to finish her mouthful before talking. "We're going out for some house stuff today."

"Sounds fun. I'd come but I gotta go pack my stuff up," Dave said.

"Well we're stealing Britt for the day," Hunter said as I yawned and took a sip of my coffee.

"Thank god. Things would be bad if she came with me," Dave laughed as he stood up and grabbed his coffee. "I'm gonna go get ready." He walked out of the kitchen and headed back upstairs.

"I think I'm gonna finish getting ready. Thanks for the coffeeand breakfast Frances," I said as I stood up and headed upstairs myself.

I walked into the bathroom where Dave was brushing his teeth and grabbed my make up off the counter. I walked intot he bedroom and over to the mirror on the dresser. I took my glasses off and started putting on mascara. I moved onto eyeshadow and then finally lip gloss. I barely wore any make up but I had tons of it. Dave walked back into the bedroom while I was brushing my hair. He walked up behind me and wrapped hisarms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder.

"Hi," he saidand smiled before kissing my neck.

"Hi," I giggled.

"I wish I could spend the day with you but I can't wait to see you later," He said.

"Can't wait," I said as I turned around in his arms to face him.

"I'll see you later beautiful." He kissed me and then walked out of the bedroom.

I walked back downstairs with his empty coffee cup and my purse.

"Your phone just went off," Hunter said as he ran up the stairs as I got to the bottom.

"Thanks," I replied as Iwent to the kitchen.

"Dave left something for you," Frances saidas she washed the dishes. I picked up my phone and checked the text from my manager.

"You start filimg next week on Tuesday." read the text.

"Wow I start filimg next week on Tuesday," I said as I put my phone in my purse. I turned around and saw money on the counter. "What's that?"

"I told you Dave left you something," Frances responded as she finished the dishes.

I picked up the money on the counter. What the hell? My phone went off and Ichecked it. A text from Dave.

"Your bedroom stuff is on me.Have fun! :)"

"You got him wrapped around your finger already," Frances saidas we headed towards the front door.

"I didn't askfor this," I responded.

"I know you didn't. He said you deserved it after yesterday," Frances said and hugged me.

Hunter came downstairs wearing his jacket. "I'm ready," he said.

5 Hours Later

We arrived back at the house with tons of stuff. We carried all the bags in the house and then sorted out whose where in what bags. Hunter carried his 7 bags upstairs to his room to start decorating.

"Thanks for treating him. It means alot to me," I said to Frances as we both carried our stuff upstairs.

"No problem. It's his room and he deserves to have it the way he likes it. Any word when Dave will be back?" She asked as we stood in the upstairs hallway.

"No," I said as the door bell rang.

"I'll get it. Go unpack," Frances saidas she put her stuff in her room and headed back downstairs.

I walked into my room and put the bags on the bed. I noticed flowers on the dresser. Three roses, 1 pinka nd 2 red ones. There was a note taped to the vase.

"I hope you had a good day. I'll be at space 4 for awhile tonight. The guys and I are gonna go over some new songs. I'll see you when I get home. D P.S. Hey best friend! Tay."

I giggled and put the note down. I smelled the roses and smiled. I turned around and started emptying the bags and putting things up where I wanted them.

"Knock knock," I heard from my door way.

I looked up and saw Tyler. "Hey. Oh before I forget I start filming on Tuesday next week," I said before he could say anything.

"Thanks for telling me. We where gonna go rehearse tonight. I know you should probably unpack and rest after what happened yesterday but I thought I'd stop by and see if you wanted to come anyways," Tyler asked as he sat down on the bed.

"Sure. I could go spy on Dave then," I said with a smile.

"Frances told me he was staying here. In the same room as you,' Tyler said with an eyebrow raised.

"I don't know how to explain it. It feels right. I feel safe with him. This is so weird, isn't it?" I asked as I sat down on the bed with Tyler.

Tyler put his hand on my knee. "If it feels right then I say go for it. If you're happy then that's all that matters. Love what you've done with the room. Dave's gonna love the Nirvana and Foo Fighters stuff," He laughed as he looked around the room.

"I like them and he can deal with it. Atleast I didn't buy the posters with him on them," I giggled as I looked at my FF logo and Nirvana smiley face posters I had put on both sides of the mirror on the dresser.

"Whatever makes you happy right?" Tyler said with a smile.

"Right," I smiled back.

We headed downstairs after I finished putting the last two bags out. My room was done and I was happy. Tyler was right. As long as I was happy, that's all that mattered. I told Frances and Hunter I was gonna go to rehearsals and I'd be back later. Tyler and I headed to the rehearsal space and I texted Taytay.

"I'm going to rehearsal with Peace Punk. I know you guys are there. Don't tell Dave I'm coming. I need to talk to you thought. Be there in 15. Come out please." I hit send.

A response came a minute later.

"No problem. I'll wait for you outside," he responded.

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