100. I've Had A Life That's Good

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10 Years Later - November 26th, 2033

I woke up and rubbed my eyes before I got out of bed. I showered before heading downstairs to make coffee. Today was a big day for all of us. Violet was getting married. Put out bowls and cereal and knew that Meredith and Kurt would help James and Priscilla if they needed it. Once the coffee was ready, I headed upstairs with two cups and decided it was time to wake up Dave. I got upstairs as James came out of his room. He gave me a hug as he passed me and headed downstairs. I walked into the bedroom as Dave sat up in bed and put on his glasses.

"Good morning," I said as I handed him his coffee.

"I don't know what's so good about it. My little girl is getting married today," he replied. I smiled at how grumpy he was.

"She's 27 Dave. She's far from little. Priscilla is little but I get it. She will always be your little girl no matter how old she is," I said. I had put my coffee down and was now sitting in front of him on the bed.

"She was my first Britt and now I gotta give her away. I know that look so don't say what Jordyn says all the time. You're not losing a daughter you're gaining a son. I got enough sons," Dave responded with. He looked at me and he looked sad.

"Are you going to pout all day or are you going to try and be a little bit happy?" I asked as he put his coffee on his night stand.

"I'll be happy if you go lock that door and come back to bed for a bit," He replied with a wink.

I got up, locked the door and got back into bed and spent the next hour making love. Dave then got up to shower while I started doing my hair and make up. I put on sweats and an old t-shirt and headed to Meredith's room. She was curling Priscilla's hair when I walked in. I sat down on the bed and watched them as they finished. Meredith sat down and started doing her make up while Priscilla asked me to help her with her dress.

"Mom can I have some make up for today please?" Priscilla asked after I did up her dress.

"I don't see why not but not too much. Mer do you think you can do your sister's make up?" I asked.

"Sure mom. Did dad say anything about Mike coming to the reception?" she asked as she turned around to look at us.

"Sweetie it's your sister' wedding. I don't know if that would be," I started but Dave cut me off.

"Yes he can come but I don't want you guys sneaking off alone," Dave said.

"Thanks dad," Meredith replied and ran over to hug Dave. After that Dave and I left the room as Meredith sat Priscilla back down to put some make up on her.

"I told Kurt he could bring Rose and it wouldn't be fair to her if I said Mike couldn't come. Violet also said she'd be ok with them both coming. You should get dressed babe. You gotta get the boys to the church soon. Brett and the other grooms men should be there in about an hour. Do you need any help getting that done up?" Dave asked. We had walked into our room and I had started putting on my dress and was struggling to do it up now.

"Yes please," I replied and turned around and watched Dave in the mirror as he walked over to me. I moved my hair to one side and felt a chill go up my spine as Dave did up my zipper He then ran his hands down my sides, resting them on my hips before kissing my neck where my hair wasn't.

"You look amazing. Still as beautiful as the day I met you," Dave said. I smiled at him in the mirror and he smiled back. I leaned against him and he wrapped his arms completely around me.

"Thanks and you look amazing yourself. Oh I put Kleenex in my purse in case you need it," I replied. I stood up and Dave let go of me as I turned around to face him.

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