42. And The Beat Goes On

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2 Weeks Later

"That's a wrap," the director yelled as the song ended. We had just finished filming the last of the Learn To Fly video. It was kinda similar to the orginal which was what Dave wanted. The roles Taylor, Nate and Dave had orginally played had been divided between everyone. Dave and I changed out of our outfits into our normal clothes and headed to the car. Once we were in, Dave started driving home. When we where close to the house, Dave spoke up.

"Are you feeling up to cooking tonight or are you still not feeling a 100 percent?" He asked me.

"Still not at 100," I replied. Since Scotty and Krist left I hadn't been feeling all that great. This morning though I had felt great and I felt that way until about noon.I had started getting what I thought where cramps but when I checked there was no Aunt Rose visiting, if you catch my drift.

"Well I'll make burgers or something tonight then. That way you can go lay down," Dave said as he pulled into the driveway.

"Ok sounds good," I responded as he opened the garage door.

"You don't think you're pregnant again do you?" he asked as we pulled into the garage. I sat in there silence until the garage door was closed and the car was off.

"I don't know. We haven't exactly been safe. I'll call the doctor when I get upstairs," I replied as I got out of the car.

We walked inside and went in seperate directions. Dave to the kitchen and me to the bedroom. Frances, Chantal and Jimmy had taken the twins for a couple of nights so Dave and I could be alone. Hunter had gone with them as well, so we were completely alone.Tonight was our last ngiht alone. As I walked up the stairs the pains started getting more intense. When I got to our bedroom, I went straight for the bathroom. Suddenly I got a extremely sharp pain and dubled over in pain. I couldn't stand it hurt so much so I sat down on the floor in front of the sinks. The pain was persistent.

"DAVE," I screamed. What was happening. It started feeling wet down there. Dave came running in.

"Oh fuck. Hold on babe," he said as he pulled out his phone.

2 Hours Later

I was in a hospital bed being told by the doctor what had happened. I wasn't listening all that well but Dave was.

"Well she be able to go home tonight?" Dave asked the doctor.

"Yes. She just needs to rest. I know you two have twins so maybe hire someone for a couple of weeks to help out while she's on bed rest. Just make sure she stays off her feet for a couple of weeks. I'll go get the medication she'll need to take for awhile," the doctor replied before leaving.

"How you doing beautiful?" Dave asked as he sat down on the bed beside me and started rubbing my arm. I turned to look at him as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I feel like I failed," I said softly.

"You didn't do anything wrong. you didn't know. It just happens baby. This is just something that wasn't meant to be. We have 2 month old twins. You have me," he said and smiled.

"I know that but I can't help feeling this way," I replied as the doctor came back in.

"Ok so take these twice a day and like I said before just stay off your feet as much as possible for the next two weeks. I'm sorry for your loss," he said before walking out of the room.

"I brought a change of clothes so you don't have to wear those out," Dave said as he stood up and handed me a bag. I got out of the bed and took the bag as I walked to the bathroom.

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