72. Mission Completed

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2 Months Later

"Jordyn she's gonna flip when she sees me," I said as we waited for Allison outside the yoga studio.

"She'll be here. She already knows you're coming," Jordyn said as Abby came around the corner.

"Does she know about Abby?" I asked as I leaned against the building. I took my phone out as it went off. Dave had sent me a picture of the girls.

"She wasn't thrilled but she accepted it. What are you looking at?" Jordyn asked as she came over to look at my phone.

"Dave and all 4 of his girls," I replied as I moved the phone so she could see it better.

"They're so cute. Where's the boys?" Jordyn asked.

"With Taylor," Abby said as she joined us.

"Ya but I gave him Scotty for the day. Scotty is surprisingly good with the kids," I added as Allison came around the other side of the building.

"Can we just get this over with please? I would rather be at pilates," Allison said as she came up to us. I put my phone away as Jordyn opened the door. Allison walked in ahead of us. I gave Jordyn a look as I walked by and Jordyn just shrugged at me.

90 Minutes Later

"I so need a drink after that," I said as we rolled up our matts.

"The instructor is kinda cute," Jordyn said. Allison had been eyeing him the entire class.

"Ya he's ok," Allison said as she stood up.

"We all saw you eyeing him. Go talk to him," Abby said as the rest of us stood up.

"I don't think he'd be interested in me," Allison said as we walked over to put the matts away.

"Never know til you ask. He's coming over here," Jordyn said as we turned around. Allison started fixing her hair a bit.

"You ladies did good today. Brittany and Jordyn, you're both very flexible. Good job on the harder positions.," Jake, the instructor, said as he came over to us.

"Thanks. I think Allison did a good job," I said as he looked over at Allison.

"Allison did great. You don't do yoga though do you?" Jake asked her.

"No I do pilates," Allison replied as she took her ponytail out and shook her hair loose.

"Well if you want I can give you some private yoga sessions if you're interested," Jake said as he touched her arm. Allison's cheeks went red.

"I'd love to. Jordyn I'll call you later," Allison said as we started leaving.

"Bye," we said as we walked out of the studio. Abby and I lit a smoke as we got outside and walked towards our cars with Jordyn.

"Jordyn you coming over for some wine?" I asked as we walked around the corner to the second parking lot.

"I'm down. Abby are you gonna come celebrate with us?" Jordyn asked.

"I think I'll go home and get Eric and Kurt first and bring them home. Plus I get to see my guys for a bit before I come chill with the girls. I'll meet you at Britt's," Abby said as she got into her car. Jordyn and I drove to my house and were greeted by silence.

"Dave! Girls!" I called out as we headed towards the kitchen.

"Silence as a parent is usually never good," Jordyn said as we walked into the kitchen.

"Tell me about it. The twins go quiet and my brain freaks out," I replied as I opened the back door and heard screaming and splashing.

"We can go join them if you want," Jordyn said as she grabbed a bottle of blush wine, the only type I can drink.

"Up to you. I'm fine sitting here. I gotta make dinner eventually," I said as Frances came into the kitchen.

"I thought I heard you. Hey Jordyn," Frances said as Jordyn grabbed us some wine glasses.

"Hey Frances. Want to join us?" Jordyn asked.

"Yes please. Is my man coming home soon?" Frances asked as I heard the front door open.

"I think Abby will bring him home," I said.

"Mama," I heard Kurt yell as he ran into the kitchen. Scotty followed him. I picked Kurt up as he ran to me.

"Hey ladies. Abby is putting Eric in the crib. He fell asleep in the car," Scotty said as he walked over to Frances and kissed her on the cheek. Ya, that happened while Dave was gone.

"Scotty can you take Kurt swimming please so us girls can gossip and drink please?' I asked.

"Sure thing Come on little dude. Have fun ladies," Scoty said as him and Kurt walked out the back door. Jordyn had poured a glass of wine for each of us as Abby came in.

"So Allison showed up while I was leaving. She's got a date. Ladies you have fully succeeded in your mission," Abby said as she sat down beside Frances as Jordyn sat down beside me. Jordyn and I clinked glasses.

"Maybe now she'll stop being a raging bitch. It wasn't just you two. All of us where getting attitude from her. It was so high school ish," Jordyn said.

"So she was bitchy to Shifty, Nate and Pat's wives too?" Abby asked.

"Yep. We all went to get manicures and lunch the other day and she just kept tearing us down. She was basically mad at us because we're all friends with you. I got the worse of it because she thinks everything is your fault," Jordyn said to me.

"I really didn't do anything I swear on my dad's life," I said.

"I know. Dave and I had been unhappy for awhile. I got sick of always missing him. I made the first move in complete honesty," Jordyn said. I half smiled at her.

We sat and finished the bottle and talked about the kids and the guys. Jordyn eventually left with the girls. Frances went to the guest house with Scotty. Abby went home to Taylor and Ollie. I made shepheards pie for dinner. I texted Frances and said it was dinner time before I headed into the living room to get Dave and the twins. I walked ina nd Kurt and Meredith where both sitting on Dave's back as he read them a story.

"Hey you three come and eat. Dave can you heat a botle up for Eric while I get the plates ready for the twins please," I asked before walking back into the kitchen. I heard the twins giggle as Dave made a growling noise. They both came running into the kitchen and went straight ot their high chairs as Dave ran in after them. He grabbed me by the waist makign me scream as he lifted me up.

"Dada no hurt mama," Kurt said as they both ran over to us. Dave put me down and picked Kurt up instead.

"I could never hurt your mama little guy," Dave said as he walked over to put Kurt in the high chair. I picked Meredith up and followed him. Little did I know that things wouldn't be happy for much longer.

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