57. Back To Normal

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I woke up the next morning on the couch. I looked down to the floor and Dave was laying on his back sleeping. I pulled my hand out from under the blanket and poked him. He scratched where I had poked him. I poked him again and this time he slapped himself. So I decided to poke him again. This time he let out a groan.

"I know it's you babe. Do you need something or are you just being annoying?" He asked as he kept his eyes closed.

"Good morning mr grumpy gills," I said as I sat up on the couch before getting off and straddling him.

"Babe I'd really like to sleep if you don't need anything," he said as I looked down at him.

"Your naked wife is straddling you and you want to sleep?" I asked, trying to make sure I understood him correctly.

"Are you trying to tell me you want sex?" He asked as he put his hands on my legs and opened his eyes.

"Yes please. Unless sleep is more important," I said and started getting up. He grabbed my hips and pulled me back down.

"I'll sleep when I'm dead," He replied as he sat up so we where face to face. He put a hand on the back of my head and kissed me deeply. I put my arms around his neck as he pulled away briefly.

"Wrap your legs around me. We're going to the bedroom," he said before he kissed my shoulder and neck a couple of times.

I did as he told me and he wrapped an arm around me tightly as he used the other one to help him stand up. I started kissing his neck as he carried me to the bedroom. We stopped in the hallway outside our bedroom to make out for a bit. When Dave finally had enough, he pulled us away from the walk and walked into the bedroom. He walked over to the bed and put me down on it. He unwrapped my legs from around him and put one up on his shoulder. Dave slid into me and I let out a loud moan. He picked up my other legs and put it on his other shoulder as he started thrusting in and out of me. After awhile, Dave put my legs down, leaned down and started kissing me everywhere. When he got my breasts, he gently bit down on the nipples causing me to let out a moan each time. He kissed his way up my neck and to my lips. I could feel myself getting close as our tongues tangled together in our mouths. I started moaning more as he started going faster. I put my arms around him as he started kissing my neck again. He reached up, grabbed them and held them together above my head with one hand and his other hand gripped my hip. I heard him groan as he started getting close. I leat out a low scream as I felt myself let go. He tensed at the same time. He let go of my hands and hip and looked down at me.

"We should probably get ready huh?" He asked as I tried to catch my breathe. He lightly kissed between my neck and breats a few times making me squirm a bit.

"I don't want to but we should," I replied as he stood up. He pulled me off the bed and into the bathroom.

"We can be dirty and get clean at the same time if that's why you don't want to get ready," Dave said as he started the shower.

"You know me all too well," I said as he got into the shower. He motioned for me to come with one finger. I smiled at him as I got in and closed the door.

2 Hours Later

After our shower fun we actually showered and got dressed. We had cleaned up the lviing room and stored the booze in the studio in the basement. Dave was hanging the painting Frances made us as I ate a banana when the door bell rang. I threw my peel in the garbage and put the last bit of banana in my mouth as I headed for the door. I got to the front entrance as Frances opened the door and Kurt and Meredith ran in.

"MAMA!" they both yelled when they saw me. They over to me as I kneeled down and held my arms open. I wrapped them both up in a huge huge and kissed both their cheeks a bunch of times, making them giggle.

"Hey Frances. How where the twins?' he asked as they hugged quickly.

"Surprisingly good. Kurt had a few tantrums and Meredith had a hard time sleeping the first few nights. She seemed to stop crying when I brought her to bed with me," Frances replied. Dave bent down and poked Meredith gently. She looked to see what had poked her and lit up when she saw Dave.

"Dada," she said and let go of me to hug Dave. Kurt did the same so I stood upa nd hugged Frances.

"We nap together. That's probably why she stopped when you brought to bed with you," I replied once we pulled apart.

"I didn't mind. She loves snuggling and I was happy to snuggle. Reminded me of Arlo," Frances said with a small smile. Dave stood up with a twin in each arm. Kurt had a hand on Dave's shoulder. Meredith had her head on his other shoulder. Daddy's girl already.

"So how was the honeymoon? Did you guys ever leave the bedroom?" Frances asked as we headed to the kitchen.

"She made sure we left the hotel to go site seeing everyday. Showed her around my old stomping ground," Dave said as he put the twins down. Kurt started runnign for the gate but Frances closed it before he got to it.

"Where's Bowie?" I asked, suddenly aware I hadn't seen my dog since we'd been home.

"That's what I forgot. Be right back," Frances said as she stepped over the tiny gate.

"I'm ordering pizza. I'm hungry," Dave said as he walked over to the house phone.

"Ooooo pizza sounds good. Frances you want pizza?" I asked as she climbed back over the gate holding Bowie. She put him down on the floor and he went and sat by the back door.

"Sure. I'll take him to his little yard area," Frances said as her and Bowie went out the back door.

Meredith walked over to Dave and grabbed his leg as he was on the phone. He bent down to pick her up and held her as he ordered the pizzas. Kurt walked over to me and tried to climb up on my lap so I lifted him up and sat him on the edge of the table. I started making faces at him and he giggled like crazy. Frances returned once Dave hung up and he put Meredith in her high chair to feed her. I stood up and put Kurt in his beside Meredith's while Dave heated up a chicken nugget thing I had in the freezer from when I was pregnant.

"I missed you guys. I actually called Taylor while you where gone to hang out with him and Abby," Frances said as I kept Kurt and Meredith occupied while Dave "cooked" the food.

"I actually paused sex to call Abby back the other day. He didn't like that," I said as I nodded towards Dave.

"It's one thing when you do it with Frances and I do it with Taylor but you never do that with Abby," Dave responded as he took the nuggets out and cut them up into toddler friendly pieces.

"Abby deserved a pause ok. If Taylot didn't tell you then oh well," I replied as Kurt and Meredith laughed.

"Dave's out of the loop for once. This feels weird. We're like a secret club with secrets," Frances said and we both started laughing.

Dave brought the nuggests over after they were cool enough for the toddlers to eat. He put a plate down in front of each of them and they started munching on the nuggests happily. Once the pizzas got her, we put the twins down for a nap and set out to do the thank you cards. Dave eventually left us to go keep the twins occupied once they woke up so Frances and I could get through them. We hung out like we use to do before the babies came. I told her we where trying again and she said she was happy for us and couldn't wait to have another little one to spoil. Dave eventually came back to the kitchen with Taylor and Abby in tow. They had brought over steaks and asparagus for dinner. I was happy to be back home. I wouldn't mind it just being Dave and me but life wasn't the same without everyone else around.

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