32. It's A..............

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We pulled up at the hospital and Taylor and Frances both jumped out of the car and ran inside. Frances came back outside with a wheel chair as I moved over to the open door. Dave got out and ran around the back of the car to help me out of the car. As soon as I stood up, I screamed in pain. Thank god Frances had the wheelchair. I sat down in it and she started pushing me towards the door while Dave grabbed the bag and purse and followed us inside.

We where rushed into a room right away. I was just getting intothe bed when my doctor came in.

"Good morning Brittany. How you doing?" she asked.

"As good as can be expected," I replied.

"Well let's see how dialated you are and we can proceed from there. Feet int he stir ups please," she said. I put my feet in them and grabbed Dave's hand. The doctor did what she had to do down there.

"Ok well you're 9 centimetres already. We're gonna get you to start pushing soon," the doctor said. The doctor walked out of the room and a minute later a bunch of nurses came in.

"Dave I'm scared. I can't do this. I didn't get an epidural," I said panicing.

"Babe you are gonna be fine. Yougotta do this without the epidural. Just squeeze my hand when you need to. I'm not leaving your side," Dave replied before kissing my head.

"Ok Brittany, we need you to push on the next contraction please," the doctor said as she walked back in. She put on her surgery scrub and some gloves and walked over to me. I squeezed Dave's hand as another contraction came.

"Push Brittany," my doctor said.

I pushed and they started counting down from 10. When they hit 1 I stopped and started crying. Another one was coming. I was told you push and I did. This went on about 4 more times before the doctor said she could see the head.

"Ok Brittany you are doing great. I can see the head. After this push the head should be out."

"I can't do this. It hurts too much," I said crying.

"Yes you can. You are reaching the finish line Brittany. Push Brittany," the doctor said as another contraction came. I pushed as hard as I could until they got to 1.

"Ok Brittany the head is out. I need one more good push and your son will be here. Come on Brittany," the doctor said.

I squeezed Dave's hand and looked at him. He smiled back at me and squeezed my hand.

"You got this babe. One more good one and he's here," he said to me.

I sat up one more time and Dave put his arm around me to help me stay up. I grabbed his other hand and he squeezed mine quickly.

"Ok Brittany, give me a good hard push and you will be able to hold your son afterwards," the doctor said. I pushed as hard as I could. I felt the pressure down there get more intense and painful and then it was gone and I heard crying.

"It's a boy!" the doctor said and held him up. She clamped the cord and Dave cut it. They started cleaning him up and weighting him when I felt more pain down there and let out a scream.

"What's wrong with her?" Dave asked.

The doctor came back over and looked down there. "Ok Brittany, I need you not to panic. I need you to push again for me," the doctor said.

Dave took my hand again and I squeezed it as I pushed again. I had no idea what was going on but I wanted the pain to stop so I did what the doctor told me to do when she told me to do. 4 pushes later and I heard more crying. I looked up and saw the doctor holding another baby.

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