98. Singing In The Rain

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The next day Angie called and Dave told her to come to the house if she wanted her money. I managed to get Harper to take the older kids downstairs after getting the youngest two to bed just as the doorbell rang. Once the basement door was closed, I turned around to face the door and Dave opened it. Angie walked in and when she noticed me she gave a snarky little half smile.

"Thought you said I'd be dealing with you from now on?" she asked Dave as he closed the door.

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to leave him alone with a tramp like you?" I asked in response. Angie and I walked towards each other and squared off like we were in a stand off in an old western movie.

"Ladies let's move this into the office," Dave said sternly and I backed away from her slightly. I walked into the living room and into my office followed by both of them. I stood by the chair as Dave sat down in it. Angie sat down on the opposite side across from Dave and looked between us.

"So did you get what I wanted?" Angie asked. I wanted to leap across the desk and strangler her for even asking that.

"I couldn't get the entire amount in cash but I got enough in cash for you to leave and get a hotel room to stay in until you find a place. The rest is in a bank account in your name. The card and check book for the account and the money are in this bag," Dave said and put a bag on the desk before continuing. "The plane ticket you asked for is also there and you shouldn't need to contact us ever again after this. I will however need you to sign this so that I know you'll keep your end of the deal." He stood up and held out a document to her and she took it.

"Ya I'll sign it. I think one of your kids is crying," Angie said as she grabbed a pen.

"I'll be right back. Don't kill each other ladies," Dave said before I could excuse myself.

He walked out of the office and Angie made a disappointed sound before signing the document. She put it and the pen down by me and I checked to make sure she signed her actual name. No way was I taking any chances of this psycho talking about what she did to us and about things I did when I was on drugs. She opened the small bag and checked the ticket and the check. Angie then picked up the bag and started walking out of my office. I followed her to the door and she stopped before she opened it. She turned around to face me and smiled.

"Thanks for the do over babe. I owe you one now," She said and she was gone out the door and my life before I could even respond. I cringed slightly and ran upstairs with a major case of the heebie-jeebies to the nursery.

"She gone?" Dave asked as I walked in. He was rocking Priscilla back to sleep.

"For good. She signed her real name. I'm sorry I'm such a screw up," I replied as I leaned against the wall.

"Babe you're not a fuck up. Look at what you've done over these past 7 years. You came out here for a movie and you ended up joining a band, getting a record deal, a tour, tv show and documentary, you met me, fell madly in love and got married. We've got some pretty great kids and you've also got three amazing step daughters who love you. You've done another movie, a few tv guest spots here and there, been to award shows, recorded a solo album and not to mention, you have an amazing husband who thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the world. Now if you were a fuck up, you wouldn't be here. So stop thinking you're a fuck up because I love you" He said and smiled at me. I walked over to him and kissed him.

"I love you more than you will ever know," I said back and kissed him again.

"You still going dress shopping today?" Dave asked as I walked back towards the door. I checked my watch and shrugged.

"Maybe if the girls want to go. You going to be ok alone with your boys?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I think I can manage. You going to take this little one with you? You know she'd be in good hands if you left her," Dave said as he stood up.

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