15. Jump Forward

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Dave and I were in my room trying to figure out how to do Learn To Fly as a duet. I had lyrics rinted out and two highlighters, blue for him and pink for me. We had already gone through the song a few times and had some of it figured out when a knock came at the door.

"Come in," I said. Hunter came in and closed the door behind him.

"So ummm, Courtney Love is here and Frances told her that you and I where staying with her and you where paying her rent and she kinda freaked out. Then Frances told her Dave was staying here until he found a new place and she started yelling. So I thought I'd be safe with you guys," he told us.

"Fuck," Dave exclamied as he got off the bed.

I was not ready to meet Courtney at all. I didn't have time to move from my position on the bed when my door flew open.

"Well look at this. Dave Grohl with a 20 something year old. Not surprised at all. Are you using her or is she using you?" Courtney asked as she walked in.

"Courtney you don't know anything so shut the fuck up," Dave responded.

"You!" Courtney said,turning her attention to me. "If you do anything to hurt my daughter I will ruin you. If I find out your using her, you are finished in this town. You probably came here to run away from your pathetic life."

I sat there and just stared at her.

"Do you speak?" she snarled at me.

I slid over to the edge of the bed closest to Dave and stood up. Hunter was standing at the end of the bed while Courtney was standing across from Dave and I. I felt boxed in all of a sudden.

"I do speak. Just not to vile women like you. I'm not using your daughter or Dave. Your daughter offtered me a few rooms for rent because I'm working on a movie and an album now. Soon I can find my own place and leave if I so wish but I like Frances. She's the first true person I met here and I wouldn't dream of using her. I respect the hell out of her. I also respect Dave too much to use him. Now get the fuck out of my room," I said staring straight into her eyes.

"You are not gonna make it in this town. Mark my words.You are done before you even getstarted,"Courtney said as she headed towards the door. She walked out and headed down the stairs.

"I'm leaving officers. Sorry you got called. Just came to see my daughter and found out she's supporting a few losers. I'm going now though. I just gotta grab my purse from the kitchen and I'm leaving," we heard Courtney say.

Hunter and I walked out to hall way and saw cops below. We saw Courtney walk from where the kitchen was and watched as she walked out the door with the cops behind her.

"Sorry about my psycho bitch of a mom,"Frances said as Hunter and I walked downstairs. Dave had gone back to playing the guitar in my room.

"What was she even doing here?" I asked, sitting on the stairs.

"She came to make sure I was ok and I told her you guys moved in and she freaked and started yelling at Hunter. Hunter ran upstairs and I told her to calm down or I was gonna get Dave.She flew even more off the fucking handle and headed upstairs to where she saw Hunter go," Frances responded. Both mine and Frances phone went off at that moment.

"My mom is tweeting about it. Fuck my life," Frances sighed.

"@courtney: @alka_seltzer666 don't trust anyone baby. @Brittle_Bear watch your back bitch."

"Seriously?" I asked as I stood up and stomped back upstairs. I walked into my room and slammed the door shut.

7 Months Later

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