80. This Is How Dirty Girls Get Clean

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4 Weeks Later

It was the last night of the tour and I couldn't have been happier. I told Dave I'd do the short show opener as long as he agreed to do it with me. He of course said yes because honestly who could refuse my adorableness. Frances, Chantal and I where playing with the kids in the family room avoiding Isaiah and his band when Dave opened the door enough to pop his head in.

"Do you have time to meet some of your biggest fans?" He asked with a huge smile on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Uh sure," I said. He opened the door and the girls ran in and over to me.I fell backwards onto the floor from the three of them hugging me at once. I hugged them all back as best I could.

"Mommy said if we were good we could come see you," Ophelia said as I sat up after they let go of me.

"You were good obviously. I missed you girls so much," I said as I looked at each of them.

"We missed you too Britt," Violet said as she smiled at me. I was glad we were finally getting along. Violet kind of blamed me for Dave and Jordyn splitting. I didn't blame her either. It's not easy when your dad remarries, trust me I know all too well.

"Are you gonna do Boys and Buses tonight?" Harper asked getting excited. I looked up at Dave and he nodded.

"I think I might just have to since you asked," I replied with a huge smile. Meredith came over and sat in my lap as Eric and Kurt went to Chantal and Frances.

"The band playing right now isn't all that great. Why did they replace the good band?" Jordyn asked as she came into the room.

"The good band was causing too much damage. Like Nirvana level of damage," I replied. Dave smirked and looked down at the floor.

"I hope they're gone once their set and euipment is down. I want my girls sidestage when I perform," Chantal said. Jimmy came into the room then and Meredith ditched me for him. She found Jimmy absolutely hilarious because he always made her laugh.

"Well hello miss Meredith," Jimmy said as she hugged his leg.

"Are they done yet?" Frances asked Jimmy.

"Last song is right now. Chanty you ready babe?" Jimmy asked.

"I was born ready," Chantal replied and they left.

Frances and I stayed in the room for a bit with the girls and little men as Dave and Jordyn went to go discuss the schedule for when the girls would come out to see us on tour. I noticed Jordyn was looking at Dave the way she used to and got worried. Dave and I had our issues and he had been with god knows how many blondes while we were apart, (i think it was 7) so I was still slightly paranoid.

"He's not gonna do anything," Frances said as she noticed the look on my face.

"Atleast she fits his type," I said looking down at the ends of my hair.

"You where blonde when you left. Pretty sure that's why he was chasing blondes around while you were gone," Frances said as Eric hit her hand.

"Are you talking about dad?" Violet asked.

"Maaaaybe," I replied.

"He missed you alot when you left. It was almost as bad as when you had the accident. When dad brought those women over to meet us they would try to befriend us but we wouldn't have any of it," Violet said.

"Ya we did whatever we could to keep them away too. Violet did what she did to you and just didn't talk to them. Ophelia constantly talked about you and I always told dad they weren't as pretty as you," Harper said as she sat beside Violet.

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