68. Baby Eric

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I woke up a few hours later to a sharp pain. I turned the light on and sat up in the bed. Another one came as I finally sat up. I reached over and shook Dave. He groaned put didn't wake up. I smacked his arm as another one came.

"Babe I'm tired. Unless you're in labor, you better have a good reason," Dave said as he sat up and looked at me.

"It's time," was all I said as another contraction came.

Dave shot out of bed and ran to his closet. He came back out dressed and ran into my closet. He came back with the hospital bag and somethign for me to wear. I managed to get to the edge of the bed before another one came. Dave took my pj pants and shirt off and put the dress over my head. When I stood up it fell down over my bump and down to my knees. Dave helped me up and we headed downstairs. He called Frances and asked her to come watch the twins. I sat in the main entrance as we waited for Frances. Dave had backed the car up to the door and left the garage open for Frances. Dave went out to wait for Frances as I sat there. I stood up when I heard them coming through the garage door and my water broke. I looked at the puddle on the floor as they joined me. They helped me out to the car and we headed to the hospital.

4 Hours Later

I laid there in the hospital bed as Dave held Eric. Dave was yawning like crazy but smiling. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of them. I sent it to Frances, Tyler, Gavin, Garrett, Kyle, Hunter, Taylor, Chris, Pat, Nate, Jordyn, Courtney and Abby. I knew they would answer when they saw it. Frances was the only one who answered right away.

"The twins are up. Do you want me to bring them by?" she asked.

"Yes please. I want all my babies with me," I sent back.

"Ok we'll be there in a bit." she sent back after awhile. I put my phone back as Dave looked up at me.

"He's perfect," Dave said.

"He is. That little man is gonna be the death of me because of those eyes," I replied.

"He's my mini me," Dave said with a smile before he yawned. I yawned as well because yawning is contagious.

"I hope you get some sleep before we come home," I said as Eric streched his little arm out.

"I'll be fine," Dave replied.

"If you get put in here again because you had too much coffee, you're gonna be in big trouble mister," I said.

"Don't worry I will get lots of sleep before you guys come home in a few days," Dave replied as Frances came into the room with the twins. Meredith ran right over to Dave while Frances and Kurt came over to me. Frances picked Kurt up and put him on the bed.

"Mama baby," Kurt said a she pointed at my belly. I moved his hand over to Dave.

"Daddy is holding the baby," I said as he looked at Dave.

"Dada," Kurt said and Dave looked up from Meredith and Eric.

"Hey little man," Dave said. Meredith looked over and ran to Frances as she put Kurt down. Frances put Meredith on the bed and she put her hand where the baby had been.

"Baby gone," Meredith said.

"Ya daddy has the baby now," I said. She looked at Dave who was showing Kurt his little brother.

Frances walked over to Dave and Kurt to look at Eric as I cuddled with my baby girl. Eventually Kurt wanted back on the bed so Dave gave Eric to Frances and he brought Kurt over to me. The 4 of us hugged as Frances held Eric.

"You guys have got to stop having such cute babies. They're stealing my heart," Frances said as she wiped a tear away.

"It's worse when they're your own. What you're feeling right now, image that times like a billion," I replied.

"I can't wait to have kids," she said as Abby and Taylor showed up.

"I saw a new Grohl arrived today and had to come see him right away," Taylor said as he walked over to Frances. Abby came and stood by the bed.

"Did it hurt?" she asked.

"Meh I had an epidural both times. It hurt before we got here where the good drugs are,' I replied.

"I'm scared but excited," Abby said as Dave got up and took the twins off the bed. Abby sat down on the bed with me. "Thank you," she said to Dave.

"You shouldn't be standing anyways," Dave said acting like it wasn't a big deal. He yawned again and I pushed him lightly as I yawned too.

"Stop that," I said.

"I can't help it. I'm tired," Dave said as he sat back down and put an arm around me.

"This one has Dave's eyes," Tayor said as Frances handed him the baby. Frances got up and walked over to the bed as Abby headed for the chair.

"I can take the twins for a couple of days if you want to go home and sleep. I don't mind having them around. Or I could even stay with you guys. Chantal and Jimmy are screwing like crazy and it's getting annyoing," she said as I moved over in the bed so Dave could get more on the bed.

"I say come stay with us. You let me stay with you so you can come stay with us," Dave replied as he put his feet on the bed and I cuddled up to him a bit.

"Thanks Dave. I appreciate it. I'll take the twins to ym house and I'll pack a bag and take them home. See you later," France said as she got the kids and headed out of the room.

"I think they're gonna pass out babe. We should go," Taylor said as he handed Abby Eric.

"I'm not until the nurse gets here," I replied as I yawned.

I sat there and talked to Taylor and Abby as Dave slept with his arm around me. Once the nurse came and took Eric, Taylor and Abby left. They hugged me as best they could before they left. I laid there for a bit and listen to everything. I started humming I Got You Babe as Dave put his other arm on me in his sleep. I put my hand on his arm and cuddled up a bit closer to him.

"So let them say your hairs too long cause I don't care with you I can't go wrong," I softly sang before I fell asleep. It was true. My mom when she had first seen a picture of Dave said his hair was too long and that he was too old. I was truely blessed to be where I was with everything that had happened.

Eric Scott James Grohl - May 6

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