84. Tour After Tour

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"What a slut," Taylor said as he and Abby came back into the living room.

"I hope that bitch never comes back or I'll rearrange her face myself," Abby said as she sat beside me. I smiled at her as Dave went to check on the kids.

"Britt did that herself," Taylor said with a laugh. I looked down at my hand and saw blood. It also really hurt.

"Let's go clean that up," Abby said and we got up to go to the bathroom. I washed my hands in the sink and realized that one of my knuckles was cut open. A knock came at the door and Abby opened it to reveal Dave.

"Taylor just got a call from Alison. You guys gotta go get the kids," he said. Abby hugged me and Dave before leaving.

"You hit her pretty good," Dave said as he took some bandages out of the medicine cabinet and started fixing my hand.

"She deserved it. You are mine," I replied.

"You sound so hot when you say that," Dave replied back with a smile. I shook my head as I smiled.

"I'm sorry I trusted her again. Never again oww fuck. What are you doing to me?" I asked as he poured something on my knuckle.

"It's peroxide you big baby. I just gotta wrap it now," Dave replied.

"I'm not a big baby. You'd fucking say oww too," I said with a laugh as he wrapped my hand. Once he was done, he kissed it gently.

"I would. Let's go spend the rest of the day with our kids cause I missed you all more than anything. Did you hear from Jordyn about the girls yet?" He asked as he put things back in the cabinet.

"Uh you talk to her about that. I think she said something about two weeks and if it was ok with you but I'm not completely sure. I don't see why I have to shcedule everything. Stress is bad," I said as we walked to the living room where the kids were now playing with the dogs.

"I'll call her. Find out when they go back to school and stuff. Those two start next year," Dave said as he pointed at Kurt and Meredith.

"Oh don't start with that. They're not old enough yet," I said and pushed his leg as we sat on the couch.

"Babe they're 4. We gotta start looking into that shit. I know they're your babies but they need an education," Dave replied. I knew he was right but I wasn't ready.

"What about home school?" I asked. He gave me a look.

"Maybe when they're older. We'll figure it out. When you're audition?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

"Tomorrow. I've been going over the lines but I don't feel readyW," I replied.

"I can help. I'm home to make shit less stressful for a bit before we have to go back out there for a few more months. We need to get back in time for all 3 babies to be born," Dave said with a smile. God that smile.

"Well Abby is due in Feburary, Frances is in March and I don't care about the rest of the guys but in April you need to make sure your ass home," I replied.

"I'll be home for all 3 so don't worry that pretty little head baby. We come back like two weeks before christmas I think," Dave said as Eric ran over and tried to get on the couch. Dave picked him up and put him on his lap. Eric was Dave's mini me to a tee. Brown hair and eyes and smile like his daddy. Eric pointed at me and I leaned over and gave him a kiss.

"You better not grow up as fast as your brother and sister," I said as he poked my nose. Dave laughed at us before Kurt and Meredith came over to us.

"Daddy can we go swimming?" Kurt asked as he looked up at Dave. Him and Meredith both put on their begging faces.

"Well how about you guys watch a movie while I help mama go over her lines for a bit. After the movie we can go swimming while mama makes dinner," Dave said.

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